Chapter 6: That's Close Enough

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. -Aesop

Stephen strolls into the restaurant and heads for the table. "What's wrong? What happened?"

"I'm not sure. Two guys got into a fight. One of them fell on me."

"You're not hurt, are you?" I jump at the baritone voice booming in front of me. Aaron has reentered the restaurant.

Stephen glares at the man.

"It's just a sore ankle. I'm okay. What was that about if you don't mind my asking? And who was that, anyway?"

Geez, that wasn't forward, now, was it?

"Don't worry about it. It was just a business misunderstanding. My name is Aaron Robson. I'm sorry you got caught in the middle of all that. Please join me for a cup of coffee so I can extend my deepest apologies. It's the least I can do."

"Well, Mr. Robson, as much as we'd like to join you, we must be leaving. We have a prior engagement we're late for," Stephen says.

Aaron takes my hand in his and brings it to his mouth.

"Well, some other time." He brushes his lips over the back of my hand, which makes my skin crawl. I pluck my hand free of his clutches.

"Not today." Stephen draws me to my feet and out of Aaron's reach.

Fingers biting into my bicep, Stephen drags me toward the door. "Stephen." I hobble on one foot, slipping my shoe back on. "What's the matter with you?"

"Then another time," Aaron says. An ounce of coy washes across his clean-shaven face.

Stephen tightens his grip on my arm, guiding me through the door. Once outside of the restaurant, he pulls me to the side of the building.

"What the hell happened in there? What did you say to him?"

"Who're you talking about?"

"What did you say to the guy in the restaurant?" He grinds his clenched teeth.

"Nothing, Stephen, what's your problem?"

He grabs me by the shoulders. "Tell me what you said."

"Let go of me."

"Not until you answer."

Stephen's grip bites into my flesh.

I twist free and slap him. He drops his briefcase on the ground. Encasing my wrists, he pulls them above my head, holding them in place with one hand. The warmth of his breath is only inches from my head.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" My racing heart roars in my ears.

"Tell me what happened."

"I can't tell you because, well, I really don't know. Whatever it was, is over now. Plus, it's none of our business. Now release me."

Raising my leg, I slam the heel of my left foot down on his shoe. He loosens his grip, and I yank my arms free.

I open my hand and use a Wing Chun knife-hand strike, hitting his neck in a chopping motion.

The impact makes him stagger backward and gasp for air. He narrows his eyes and emits a low, throaty growl, then takes a step toward me.

I raise my hand. "That's close enough."

Stephen freezes in place, and the corner of his lip twitches. "I'm sorry." He rubs his chest. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just concerned."

"So, you figured you'd act like an ass?" I sidestep around him, but I'm pushed back against the brick wall of the building.

Stephen's mouth covers my lips, stifling the surprised cry in the back of my throat. He pins me to the hard surface with his lean frame and snakes a finger down my cheek. I turn my head. His hand trails a path from my chin down to my elbow, and my body stiffens.

"Stop it, Stephen." Clutching his open hand, I apply steady pressure to his palm, twisting it down and outward.

Wincing, he releases me. He appraises me with hot, burning eyes. I slip out from under him and walk away. I'm on the verge of tears.

Get a grip. Don't fall apart, not here, not now.

His footsteps broadcast his oncoming approach.

I grapple free of his reach. "Don't touch me." I can't believe he just did that. "What the hell are you thinking?"

"I'm sorry."

"You should be."

"How did you learn to do that?" He keeps a keen eye on me.

"Learn to do what?"

"That thing you did to my hand?"

"It's called self-defense. My roommate's father teaches Wing Chun. And Stephen, if you ever touch me again, I won't hold back."

I turn away from him. Tears threaten to streak down my cheeks. Limping down the narrow walk, I place some distance between us. The telltale sound of his drumming footsteps signifies his oncoming approach. I spin around. He reaches for me, and I recoil, stepping out into the street.

"Come back here. It's not safe on the road." Stephen steps in front of me, pointing toward the sidewalk. "I shouldn't have treated you that way."

"No, you shouldn't have." I turn away from him and head back to the walkway. "What the hell's wrong with you? What part of leaving me alone do you not understand?" My mind reels, trying to process everything.

"I'm sorry, I should've been there. I would've been if not for the coffee you spilled."

"What did you say?" I ball up my fists. "So, now this is my fault?"

"That's not what I said."

"Yes, it's exactly what you said."

"I just wish I'd been there. I shouldn't have left you."

A ball of anger churns in my stomach. "Why, Stephen, to join the fight?" I roll my eyes. "Geez, just leave me alone, okay."

"No, not to fight, I could've prevented you from being hurt. I like you." He takes a step forward.

I point a finger at him. "That's close enough."

"I'm sorry if I scared you. I didn't mean to."

"Yeah, okay, whatever."

He takes another step. "Danny."

I hold my hands up in front of me. "I'm fine. Can we just go now?"

Stephen stands with his arms crossed, studying me for several seconds. He turns on the balls of his feet, sauntering away.

My shoulders roll forward, and I follow, staying several steps behind.

Chaotic thoughts fill my mind. I've never had to hit someone before, much less a guy. The day is stressful enough without adding additional crap to the mix.

I hug my arms to my chest. My ankle smarts, and I can't help but wonder what the fight in the restaurant was about. Plus, I wonder who the gray-eyed guy is. Then there's Stephen's behavior.

He had no right to do what he did. He should have never put his hands on me. His actions will piss off Boyd and Ruthie. I bet they'll tell Mr. Levin, who's sure to reprimand Stephen for his actions.

Whatever it is, he deserves it.

God, I'll be glad when this meeting is over so that I can fly back home. I'm more than ready to put this meeting, Stephen, and New Mexico behind me.