Chapter 28: Can You Hear Me?

Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance. -Confucius

The parking lot, in front of Mr. Crawford's office, is dark and silent. Drake steps out of the truck and takes a few steps.

The building explodes, sending glass into the air.

The impact knocks him several feet back.

"Drake," I yell, but the ringing in my ears muffles my voice.

Leaping from the truck, I run to his side. The sweltering heat from the building bellows and hisses as if it's a living, breathing creature. Kneeling over him, I cup his face between my hands and scream his name. He gazes at me, bewildered, and then he pulls himself to a semi-sitting position. Rolling onto his side, he stands.

"Where are you going?" I step in front of him, but he weaves to the left, brushing past me. "You can't go in there."

"I have to find him." He plods up closer to the raging inferno.

"Please, don't go. It's too dangerous. The fire has engulfed the entire building."