Chapter 36: Intricate Puzzle Boxes

Revenge is the naked idol of the worship of a semi-barbarous age. -Percy Bysshe Shelley

Back at the ranch, Drake and I spread out the paperwork on the table in the library. Maria brings in chicken salad sandwiches with a bowl of fresh fruit. I grab a strawberry, and Drake translates.

He stops reading.

"What did you find?" I ask.

"This is a contract between John James Herrington, Hugo Robson, and Samson Briggs, who I'm willing to bet are Stephen and Aaron's grandfathers. Now, that would explain a lot."

"I don't understand. What kind of contract?"

"Your grandfather co-purchased a parcel of land with both the Robson and Briggs families."

"Wait. Does that mean they each own a third of the ranch?"

"No, he bought out their shares of the property for less than what they originally paid.

"Why would he do that?"