Chapter 61: Dead Ends

Deliberate violence is more to be quenched than a fire. -Heraclitus

Taking in a deep breath, I slide the bathroom picture behind the others. Looking at the photo, my heart skips a beat. I squeeze my eyes shut biting down hard on my lip.

It's a picture of Natasha.

Her mouth is covered with duct tape. Both of her arms are restrained. She's attached to the headboard with white plastic ties. Her feet are pulled to each side and shackled to the footboard. Her nude body has multiple bruises and cut marks carved into her skin.

Many of them appear shallow. Whereas others are deep. The only article of clothing she has on is a yellow-and-blue striped tie around her neck. I cradle my head in my hands.

"I'm sorry to make you go through these photographs," the detective says. "Going over the details of what you told me in the hospital, I found similarities to this homicide case and others. But I just can't seem to put all the pieces together, at least, not yet."