Chapter 63: Another Day - Another Story

There is no such thing as justice in the abstract; it is merely a compact between men. -Epicurus

The officers and my mother walk the horses outside the stables next to the corral. At the barn entrance, Paul bridles Maggie. I stroke her softly between the eyes to calm her. When I pat her muzzle, she bows her head.

Paul slips on the bridle, smoothing out the sleek leather. He holds the bit in place at the horse's lips. Slowly, he eases the crown of the bridle over Maggie's ears then fastens the buckles securely.

I grab the saddle pad. In one clean motion, I swing it in the air. It lands on Maggie's frame, just below her crest. I pull the fabric down to ensure her hair lies flat underneath. Paul places the leather saddle on her back. He centers it before fastening the front cinch.