Sherry Barton tried to roll her shoulders as she drove her little car out of town toward her house. It had been one bitch of a day, jam packed with patients from the minute they opened their doors. At four o'clock, mysteriously, the traffic had slowed to nothing until finally there was no one left. At five they were all happy to close up and head home, praying the next day would be a little easier.
She thought about the little episode with Mark and that brought to mind the image of the woman who'd been with him. Exotic-looking. That was the word for her, with her rich dark red hair, those slightly tilted dark brown eyes and high cheekbones. Not skinny, either, like she was, but with nicely rounded curves. Mark had always teased her about never gaining a pound. Now she wondered if her thin body had turned him off.
Stop it!
That was all water under the bridge now. Mark had moved on and she needed to as well.