Chapter 12

Disclaimer/Warning: This work is not mine. Contacting the original author is impossible, but I like to think they would be okay with my posting it here for as many people to see as possible. This work is NOT complete and it will NEVER be complete. I'm sad too.

With that said, enjoy.

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After Doris Alex and Melisa in the same morning, it was difficult not to float on a cloud of satisfaction. I did some reading in the lounge when the girls left, ignoring the curiosity of my floormates. They looked like eye contact would be excuse enough to ask questions I did not plan to answer so I kept my nose buried in a book.

I would have kept everything tightly bottled inside except that at the restaurant Marie noticed my feet did not quite touch the ground. Unlike the computer lab, I did not cut my hours at the restaurant. It was an oasis from the changes in my life. At times, it seemed the only place someone from the Brotherhood was not watching and in one way or another judging me.

"You look happy," Marie said bumping me with her hip as she leaned against the wall next to me.

It was busy and since I was not bussing her tables we only had enough time for a quick hello when we first got to work. I smiled and shook my head in an obvious attempt to avoid the questions.

"So who's the cute little blonde in the Beamer?" she asked curiously.

I shrugged.

"The new girlfriend?" she persisted.

I leaned my head to the side and looked at Marie out of the corner of my eye. She and I had a mild flirtation going but rarely discussed anything personal.

Marie was a chin-length hair bottle redhead with green eyes cut by yellow highlights, and possessed an absolutely perfect ass.

I shrugged again and smiled. She raised an eyebrow and smiled back.

"That kiss looked fairly girlfriendish," she said and then lowered her voice before continuing. "Not to mention the hand on your cock."

"I think I could accept girlfriendish," I said trying to duck out from under her curiosity.

"Hmm," she nodded her head while making that sound and looked thoughtful for a second. "In that case, who's the smokin' redhead?"

After Melisa got into the driver's side, Doris Alex climbed out of the back seat to the passenger's side and waved me over to her window. She nearly dragged me into the car for a kiss.

The girls had wanted to use my car for a shopping expedition. I was feeling generous enough after the morning action to hand over one of the credit cards the Brotherhood gave me to fund a conquest of whatever mall they invaded.

"Well, she IS a redhead," I said with another shrug.

Marie shook her head at me and walked to her tables. I watched her ass and smiled. I looked out the restaurant windows and thought about Melisa's words as she touched me by the car. She whispered that Janet would be waiting by my dorm room door when I got back from work.

I had been hard since then and Marie's shapely ass did not help.

The girls in the lounge looked angry and intrigued when I got out of the elevator. The guys just looked envious.

Janet wore black shorts and a small black t-shirt that put most of her tummy on display while hugging her plump breasts tightly. She was leaning against my door.

"Hello," she whispered when I stood toe to toe with her.

I smiled and leaned down for a kiss. I could taste Janet's desire for more. I found myself in the same situation as the night before; I needed to get us in my room or we would be inappropriately intimate in the hallway.

I crowded Janet into my room pushing the door closed behind me. I continued to guide her with kisses and my body until her back was against my bed. I put my hand on either side of her and broke our kiss. Her brown eyes were unfocussed as I put a finger under her chin and turned her face up. I kissed a path from one earlobe, down her neck, across the collar of her t-shirt, and up the other side of neck.

She sighed expansively.

I grabbed two handfuls of her dark hair and kissed her openmouthed. She welcomed my tongue into her mouth and grabbed my pants at my hips. She pulled me towards her so my groin was rubbing her stomach. I drove my tongue as deep into her mouth as I could. She stroked me with her tongue in up and down motions as if my invader was a dick.

I put my hands on her belly and moved them upward. I pushed the t-shirt out of my way, palming both of her breasts. She was not wearing a bra and I wanted to thank her for the seconds saved. Her nipples were as plump as the rest of her sexuality. Their skin was slightly rough on my palms as I rubbed her centers in small circles.

"Wait!" she said harshly tearing herself from my lips.

I closed my eyes and put my forehead on hers. The word did not sound like we would be continuing what we started, at least not to the ending I wanted. I backed away a foot and looked at her. I was reassured by the fact it took her a couple of minutes to recover enough to speak.

"We can't have sex," she said reluctantly.

I let her go and backed away from her until I could lean against my desk.

"Why not?" I asked patiently.

As frustrating as it might be, I figured there was some good reason for not adding a third Sibling to my sexual mix. I was not going to like it or understand it but I was still trying to figure out why Melisa and Doris Alex needed me to have sex with each other so I would deal if I had to.

"My parents don't know about the Society. This is my first year away from home; I have to go back for the summer," she said.

I waited for more but she did not offer it.

"I don't understand," I said.

She made eye contact for a moment and looked away.

"Melisa and Doris are staying here for the summer," she said as if it would explain everything.


"They can be with you everyday if they want to, I can't. I'd get a taste of being with you and in a couple of weeks I would have to leave it behind," she said quietly.

I did not say anything.

"I couldn't leave if we had sex, David," she whispered. "I wouldn't want to give you up, even for a couple of months."

I walked to the window and looked out.

"I'm sorry," she said coming to stand beside me.

I smiled and looked down at her.

"There's nothing to be sorry about," I told her.

There was a moment of surprise in her eyes, followed by disappointment. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my waist. I turned and kissed her softly.

"I'm sort of flattered," I whispered against her lips. "I didn't know I was so irresistible."

She laughed quietly but I could not shake the feeling I had disappointed her somehow.

Her denial put a damper on the sexual heat of the night. We kissed by the window and eventually made it to the bed. She gave me everything with her mouth but I kept my hands away from anything that would tempt me to go past what she wanted.

She was restless after our mostly innocent make-out session and could not get comfortable. She was facing the wall so I turned to spoon her. I grabbed her leg and draped it over mine. I put my hand on her tummy and slipped it down to the waistline of her shorts. I moved downwards and under her panties. She was moist and gasped when two of my fingers captured her awakened clit. I manipulated it slowly while kissing her neck. She gasped as I brought a third finger to bear.

Two fingers on each side with a third rubbing directly.

She put a hand on my hip and tried to dig her nails through the cloth to flesh. I added pressure to my touch and she moaned as it quickened the approach of her orgasm.

"David!" she panted as her body released. I sped the rubbing motion and she tried to trap my hand by closing her thighs. I stopped seconds later and pulled my hand up so that it was just below the waist of her shorts. I rested with my face in her hair thinking about Siblings.

I could have sworn she sobbed for a minute before falling asleep.

Melisa walked into the room early in the morning.

I had gotten up already and showered. My roommate had not returned in the night so I was lying naked in bed next to Janet. I thought she was a couple of hours from waking up so it was safe to enjoy her presence even if nothing would happen between us for awhile.

Melisa studied me curiously as she leaned on the bed. She reached over me and pulled enough of the blanket from Janet to cover my groin. She climbed on the bed and gently shook my sleeping partner.

Janet woke up slowly and looked at me, then at Melisa. My First had a question in her eyes, which Janet answered with a small shake of her head. Janet climbed over me and walked out of the room without looking at me.

Melisa turned her face towards me and the same disappointment I sensed with Janet was in her eyes. She stood up on the bed with a foot on either side of my waist. She stripped out of her clothing unceremoniously.

She lay down on her stomach next to me and stared into my eyes. She crossed her ankles and raised her ass a couple of inches. She shook it in invitation. It was not like the times before; there was a touch of wanting to hold onto something she thought she might lose.

I did not like it.

I pushed the blanket aside and straddled her thighs. Melisa taking her clothes off was enough to get me the rest of the way to hard. I lay my hard cock on the valley of her asscheeks. I was darker than Melisa and liked the contrast between us. I drew myself downward, following the line of her ass until I touched a different separation of skin. I grabbed her asscheeks and thrust slowly into her.

She was not ready for me and the passage was dry. I kept pushing into her and she shook her ass to relieve the discomfort. I spread her asscheeks thrusting hard into her to take the last inch of our mating.

I rested my weight on our joining and waited for her body to adjust. I had not slept well with Janet in my bed and being unable to consummate our desire. I woke up a couple of times to find myself grinding against Janet's ass.

Melisa moved underneath me and I drifted outwards from her body. It was smooth, wet silk when I took the depth back. I wanted to thrust, relieving all of the night's frustration, but I wanted her orgasm as much. I lay on top of her and she turned her face so my lips touched her ear.

"Cum with me," I whispered as I pulled back and thrust into her hard.

She made a soft sound in her throat and nodded. The tear on her cheek confused me but did not stop me from drowning my need in our heat.

I pulled back and thrust into her. She gasped and pushed up with her ass. I lost myself in the motion of building our orgasms. It did not take a large number of thrusts in and out of her before I could not hold on. I pushed as deep into her as I could and ground my hips against her ass.

We came together; as I thickened, her body fought the expansion by contracting around me. We found a middle-ground. I gave her my cum and she returned it with the moisture of fulfillment.

As I lay on top of her, there were sobs like I thought I had heard from Janet.

Melisa was different though.

I pulled out of her and got on my knees beside her. I grabbed her legs and turned her over. There were tear tracks on her cheeks and she looked lost.

I really did not like that.

I grabbed her legs underneath the knees. I opened her and aligned our bodies. I pushed down on her legs to open her even further. She looked at me with expectation. I was still hard; one time after the frustration of the night was not enough.

I did not look between us; I just thrust towards her and sunk in deeply. She put her hands on my waist and pulled me towards her.

I was not in the mood for it to be quick, hard or anything other than utterly consuming for her. I thrust into her, taking everything her body had to give.

I looked into her eyes. The disappointment and expectation of loss were still there. I set myself to drive it all out of her. I did not know what I had done but I was not giving up Melisa for anyone or anything.

I set a steady pace of deep, hard strokes. There was no variation in the tempo and length, regardless of what she did. She tried to break the pace with her nails digging into me, by squeezing her pussy around me, by begging me to fuck her harder.

I was relentless in my purpose. Melisa had gained doubt for some reason and I fucking hated it.

She arched her back in orgasm. I lowered my hands on her legs so I was spreading her open with a grip on her inner thighs. Her pussy tried to lock me in place like every other time Melisa came but I ignored the pressure.

I continued to thrust into her at the same purposeful pace.

Her efforts to break my control increased. She moved her hips in circles, stroked her fingertips from my chest to the inside of my hips, she whispered everything she wanted me to do her. She begged me to turn her over and drive into her ass.

I looked into her eyes and kept drilling into her with the complete control I had wanted my first time with Doris Alex.

Her second orgasm surprised her and her pussy opened to accept my thrusts, as her body knew the strokes worked to lengthen her pleasure. She screamed at the top of her lungs as she hit the top part of her crest.

She tried to pull away from me.

I wrapped my arms around her thighs and got up my knees. It put her in a position where only her upper back, neck and the back of her head touched the bed. She spread her arms out to balance herself as I thrust in and out at the same pace.

She opened her eyes and stared at me. Her eyes shined with our unified truth.

Reduced to the two of us, nothing was wrong.

Nothing would ever be wrong.

I lay her back on the bed and settled my upper body on her. We kissed and my rhythm shattered. I thrust into her with no control. She wrapped her arms around my waist, squeezing me tightly. Her mouth opened and like below I took her with my tongue.

She opened for me completely. I felt a part of myself fitting perfectly with her and it was not physical.

She bit my lip and I bit her back. We joined our lips in a kiss and came around each other.

Neither of us felt the need to get out of bed even when my roommate came in to get ready for his required weekend visit home.

I was standing at the same spot in the restaurant I had the day before. It was the best place to look out the restaurant windows without interfering with a guest's view.

"And today we're pensive," Marie said.

I snickered and shook my head.

"I'd be depressed too if no cute little blonde kissed me goodbye when I got to work," she said.

"You kiss cute little blondes?" I kidded.

"I meant if I were you," she corrected quickly.

"Ohhh! I definitely kiss cute little blondes," I said with another snicker.

"So what's got you down today?" she asked bumping me with her hip.

I shrugged.

"Oh come on, you're working my tables tonight. We gotta talk about something," she pleaded with a lot of humor in her voice.

"I think I'm going to be sleeping alone tonight," I said.

"This surprises you?" she asked even more curious.

I looked at her and smiled.

"Well, you know... cute little girlfriendish blondes and smokin' redheads are not types to let a man go to bed alone often."

"Aha!" Marie exclaimed. "She is your girlfriend!"

I laughed and looked away.

"Well, punk," she said. "Is she your girlfriend or not?"

I shrugged.

"I don't know, does girlfriend include kissing smokin' redheads in your book?" I asked.

"I'm not a cute little blonde," she pointed out.

"No... You're definitely a smokin' redhead," I said over my shoulder as I walked away.

Being alone in bed Saturday night would not have been so bad except for the visions that kept intruding. Sheryl, Melisa, Doris Alex and Janet were out together.

Sheryl's crested ring had arrived and thoughts of a Sibling bachelorette party were not conducive to a restful sleep.

Between the foster care system and the military, I spent very little time alone. I did not get depressed when people were not around but everything seemed less real. Strangely enough, Siblings brought things around me into greater focus. Although, I had to consider that maybe what was coming into focus was the Siblings.

Except for Marie, Saturday had passed like swimming in a sun-warmed pool without the Siblings around me. Sunday was just as lazy in passing by.

Marie did not work on Sundays so even that distraction was not available. We were not busy so the manager sent me home early. I spent the drive home wondering if I could take over my room in the Brother house so I could sleep with both Melisa and Doris Alex to make up for the night alone.

The note taped to my door was a surprise; "COME TO YOUR HOUSE"

I crumpled it in my hand and walked back to the elevator thinking that the girls had the same idea I did.

I could not have been more wrong.

I was surprised again when I saw Professor Ryan's car in front of the house. Every Sibling I knew was sitting in the living room around Doris Alex. Her hair was still wet from a shower but she was withdrawn from everyone around her. Professor Ryan was sitting on the far side of the room to her looking into empty air.

"What happened?" I asked no one in particular.

Doris Alex had bruises on both sides of her jaw, as if someone had grabbed and squeezed hard.

"It was the Taus," Michael said getting up and walking towards me.

I nodded for him to continue.

"Three of them caught Doris Alex coming out the library backdoor," he said sitting down on a sofa arm and looking back as the triangle of Siblings drew tighter around Doris Alex.

"Has she been to the hospital?" I asked.

"Yes, David," Professor Ryan said.

"Has this been reported?"

"Doris Alex didn't want to but we took her to the campus police immediately after the hospital," Melisa said from her position next to Doris Alex.

"I don't know if it was a good idea," Professor Ryan said quietly. "It limits options."

I shook my head. He raised an eyebrow at me curiously.

"We don't need to be pushy with the cops to do anything about this yet. It's better to have an obvious motive, than having it 'discovered' in the middle of an investigation though," I said. "Also a public record of problems can provide a mitigating factor when certain things happen."

I walked over to Doris Alex. She turned her face away and refused to look at me.

"Come with me," I said and walked into my room.

She closed the door behind her and waited by it. I gestured to the foot of my bed.

"Take the robe off."

She hesitated before untying the belt at her waist and shrugging the robe to the floor. I walked around her cataloguing the painful looking marks on her body.

Her jaw.

Her ribs on either side.

A handprint of purple on her thigh.

Her breasts.

Her lower back.

Purple blots on both her asscheeks where fingers had pinched.

I stopped and walked to the window.

"What happened?" I asked.

The attack was juvenile; a tactic out of high school hazing, serious only because they had been brutal with their hands. It would not make a difference in my reaction but it told me what I was dealing with.

Three Tau brothers surrounded her and circled around calling her names. She tried to walk through but they bumped, keeping her in place. Their words became angrier and angrier as they failed to get to her as deeply as they wanted.

That was when they started using their hands.

At first, it was faint, just another tool to keep her in place. She did not know which one grabbed her first but it had escalated quickly after that. Hands on her breasts, tearing her top and bra nearly off. She was sure they had punched her a couple of times. She collapsed to the ground in a near fetal position to protect herself but her obvious pain had only spurred them further. She did not know how far they would have gone if a couple of sisters from her sorority had not come out the same door she used.

Tears were flowing freely down her face when she finished.

"Put the robe back on," I said without turning around.

I heard her moving and waited to see if she would leave the room. She did not so I turned around and walked out of the room to give her some much needed privacy. Siblings can be pushy even when you need to be alone. I shook my head at Melisa and Janet when the stood up looking like they were going to join Doris Alex in my room.

I sat down on the sofa and thought for ten minutes.

"Michael, you're a chemistry major," I said.

He nodded.

"If I describe something, can you tell Professor Ryan what it is so he can get some for me?"

He nodded again, so I told him my favorite high school chemistry story.

"I know exactly what that is but why would you need it?" he asked.

"I had a friend who told me people have a nearly instinctive fear of fire," I told him. "He was a genius of persuasion with flammables and a lighter."

"You had a friend?" Sheryl asked disbelievingly.

"Jason," I said with a nod.

"Where is he?" Janet asked. "He sounds intriguing."

Doris Alex came out of my room and sat down near Melisa.

"Only a Sibling would think Jason was intriguing," I said with a chuckle. "Most people who met Jason would say terrifying was more appropriate."

Janet shrugged as if to say Siblings were not most people so what could I expect from her.

"Jason taught me a lot though," I said almost to myself.

"Like what?" Melisa asked moving closer to Doris Alex.

"How to use fire," I replied. "Not to let anybody push you without pushing back. The first thing he taught me though was that everyone has an absolute right to say no at anytime, no matter the circumstance. Some people had not respected that rule when he was younger."

Sheryl, shaking her head with a strange gleam of knowledge in her eyes, looked at Janet and Melisa. The two girls were looking at each nervously.

"That's a hard rule to live by," Michael said. "She can say no under any circumstance."

"No, Michael, it's not hard at all," I said looking at Doris Alex.

She still would not meet my eyes.

"Come on, David," Sheryl said while looking at Janet and Melisa hard. "Even if she's naked and you're already inside her."

"Yes," I said with finality. "You get out of bed. You put some clothes on. You make sure she understands if that's what she was feeling it was right to say it. If that wasn't what she was feeling, it was still right to say it."

"You're asking for a someone to be a saint, David," Melisa said pointedly.

I looked at her wondering if we were referencing the same situation. She was holding onto Doris Alex's arm tightly so I could not just ask her if we were. Jason had suffered and so had Doris Alex. I did not see why Melisa was questioning the fine print of saying no.

"You don't have to ask her again. You don't have to allow yourself to be in that situation with her again. You don't have to talk to her again if you feel it's so unfair," I said. "But if someone says no it stops... regardless."

"I didn't say no here," Doris Alex said.

"Yes, you did," I replied. "You did it a long time ago with these assholes. They asked and you made it perfectly clear, so none of them should even ask you again, nevermind what they did to you today."

"They weren't asking me out today, David," she said finally making eye contact.

"The Taus were punishing you for saying yes to me," I said calmly. "They were saying you didn't have a right to say no to them."

She looked away.

"Can we get the stuff for tomorrow?" I asked turning towards Professor Ryan.

"Yeah," he said with a nod. "I'd like to come along."

I nodded.

"Michael, you're coming too," I said looking at him.

He shrugged as if he had been expecting it.

Janet and Melisa were looking at each other, obviously communicating but I was sure they did not want me in the middle of it. I got up and walked into my room. I lay down on the bed looking at the ceiling.

Doris Alex had hesitated to get naked in front of a Brother.

I did not like that at all.

More than for the bruises on her body, someone was going to pay for that.