Chapter 16

Disclaimer/Warning: This work is not mine. Contacting the original author is impossible, but I like to think they would be okay with my posting it here for as many people to see as possible. This work is NOT complete and it will NEVER be complete. I'm sad too.

With that said, enjoy.

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I am not a fan of change.

A psychologist would say it had to do with being in the foster care system. A foster child never knows how long anything is going to last. Siblings understand a Brother's needs so the ones near me found ways to make my transition to the new house easier.

I think Melisa handed out a list of things I would be keeping to any Sibling visiting my room. They did not bother to hide that they were walking out with my stuff one piece at a time. I had to laugh when they left me with a VCR but no TV. I lived light so it after about ten visits; the only things left in the room were clothing and books. I noticed even those had been moved when I woke up the day after the Formal.

The clincher for accepting the change as necessary was waking up to a naked china-doll blonde in my bed, taking a shower, and finding an equally naked redheaded goddess had replaced her. It struck me that in the Brother house no one thought the switch was anything out of the ordinary.

I spread Doris Alex's legs and licked her pussylips. Naturally, she was flavored with morning dew. She moaned femininely as I found the button to unclothe her pleasure. She managed to absorb the slow licks up and down. She swallowed the gasps caused by the slightly faster movement of my tongue side to side.

"GOD!" she exclaimed loudly when I took her clit into my mouth and suckled it.

It broke her will and she grabbed my hair. She pulled me up for a hard kiss. The taste of her excitement drove her higher. She scrambled with her hands between us in search of my hard dick. She grabbed me tightly and brought my tip into contact with her pleasure's entrance.

She did not want slow so I drilled into her with a hard thrust. She might have wanted it but her body stopped me halfway into her. She whined in protest at her body's rebellion. I reached down, grabbed her legs under her knees and pushed then down beside her breasts.

"YES!" she encouraged in a loud voice.

I pulled my hips back and pounded through her body's reluctance. She arched her back and dug her nails into my biceps.

"FUCK!" she screamed as I pulled my hips back and fucked into her again.

Her obvious pleasure is what kept me in control. I watched her face as I took her pussy with strong, steady strokes. Her eyes were unfocussed, and there was a small smile on her lips. She looked strained, then more strained, and finally relaxed. Her pussy surrounded me with pressure and wetness. She wrapped her arms around my body and pulled me down on top of her. I let her legs go but kept them trapped in the crooks of my arms. She kissed and licked my neck before biting my shoulder.

"Brother!" she whispered as pleasure subsumed her.

She whispered other things but I had to concentrate on continuing to fuck her as she convulsed beneath me. Her pussy tried to push me out so I had to slow the pace to enforce my will on her body.

I broke the hold of her arms and knelt up. I grabbed the inside of her thighs and slid my hands down so I was holding her open as close to her pussy as I could. I pulled back slowly and fucked into her just as slow. She sat up and looked at our connection. She placed a hand on her clit and rubbed gently on the extended button. It was not long before her breathing came in pants. She rubbed harder and leaned her head back. Her pussy squeezed me and she moaned loudly before breaking out into a long, hard shudder.

I waited deep inside for her orgasm to pass. She opened her eyes and looked at me. She dipped her fingers lower, touching my dick. I pulled back and she fondled my length with her fingertips as I stroked into her. I liked the feel of her hand so I pulled completely out of her. She grabbed me in a fist and pumped a couple of strokes before placing me against her pussy. I stroked into her hard and pulled completely out again. She used her hand like a rail to keep me locked on target. I fucked into her and pulled out again. Her hand and pussy gripped me tightly when I fucked into her the next time.

We reveled in the repeated penetration of her body. I used strokes that bottomed me out and pulled me totally out of her body.

She came a third time but managed to keep enough control not to affect my motion. I pulled out of her pussy and she caressed me for a couple of strokes with her hand before setting me at the gates of my orgasm. I pumped into her powerfully trying to push through her body. She caressed me with her inner muscles giving me the last stimulation I needed. I came inside her. I pulled back a couple of inches and fucked into her as hard as I could to propel the second jet of cum deep inside her.

I lay beside Doris Alex thinking that I might as well see if I could study in my new room when Melisa walked in. She was wearing tight, white sweatpants and a t-shirt that bared her belly.

She looked at Doris Alex and shook her head.

"Hey, bitch!" she said with false annoyance. "We're supposed to be picking out the furniture for my room."

Doris Alex put her hand on my abdomen and shrugged.

"You could at least clean up after yourself," Melisa said walking over to the bed.

She lay down on her stomach and took my dick delicately in her hand. She closed her eyes and licked me from base to tip. I watched as she moved her mouth around me, making sure I was cleaner than when I walked out of my morning shower.

She finished and looked at Doris Alex. Melisa crawled over me and turned Doris Alex so that she could stick her head between the redhead's legs. Doris Alex dug her nails into my side. I was too busy enjoying the sensation of rubbing my hardening dick against the soft skin of Melisa's tummy to care.

Melisa got up after finishing with Doris Alex and looked at both of her victims innocently. She turned her eyes to my erect dick and her mood wavered.

"Can you hold that 'til tonight?" she asked me.

She was hoping I would say no.

"No," I said.

Her eyes brightened.

"So you better be back before 3pm, I'll need a study break by then anyway," I finished.

She punched my hip. She jumped off the bed and stuck her tongue out at me. Doris Alex laughed and got the tongue pointed at her. Doris Alex climbed out of bed and followed Melisa out of the room.

I ate a quick breakfast and went back to my room. I had opened my book when the girls came back to ask if they could use my car. The bribes of wild sexual favors were unnecessary but I told them I would collect on each and every one before the summer was out. They smiled like that was exactly what they were hoping to hear.

I learned in the military not to push trying to absorb too much information. Two hours was my limit before I forced myself to take a break. I took my books into the kitchen and got a drink of water. Michael was taking a break also. We talked for a while before getting back into our books.

I needed a longer break after the second two-hour set and decided to get lunch. Michael was meeting his fraternity brothers so he declined to accompany me. I walked to the main strip in town. I looked around for someplace I could eat and relax in.

The three Tau idiots might as well have carried signs telling everyone they were following me.

I noticed the attention immediately. I knew who it was the second they focused on me. The Brotherhood tails visited me only once a day after the Gerald incident but their intent was never as palpable as this. I took my time walking around town to find the best way to deal with Doris Alex's tormentors.

I saw what I needed and walked into the elevator of the town's multi-story garage. I pressed the button for the top floor and watched as the numbers climbed. The doors opened and I walked to the edge of building to wait for them.

It took them ten minutes to find me.

One of them came out of the stairway and looked around. I waved at him to make sure he did not miss me. He yelled something behind him and moved to stand where he could intercept me if I decided to try for the elevator or the stairway. I shook my head wondering why preventing the possible genetic spread of stupidity was against the law.

The other two came out of the stairway. They nodded to each and spread out. The three idiots walked towards me slowly. I was the only one that noticed Roderigo and Melisa's dad get out of the elevator behind them. Roderigo nodded to Melisa's dad and moved to block the stairway. The Brotherhood had done their research and knew I was the danger that loomed.

"Hey faggot!" the smallest yelled as soon as they broke the plane where I would have to pass close to two of them to get away.

I waited.

"Didn't you hear me, faggot?" he said loudly with a snicker on his face.

"How about we dispense with the bullshit and you guys get to the part where you kick my ass?" I said calmly. "I haven't had lunch yet and hunger makes me cranky."

"You really want to die, don't you, queer-do?" the largest one said sarcastically.

I had to give him a style point for queer-do.

"You know I think you guys have your sexualities confused. I hang out with a lot of girls and one guy. You hang out with just guys. I can remember the last time I fucked a woman; Melisa, this morning!"

I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, I'm wrong. Melisa sucked my cum out of Doris Alex. She ASKED me to fuck her, but Doris Alex got to my cock first today. I'm not as young as you guys though. I mean, I'm sure you guys can fuck each other all night long, right?"

The big one did not appreciate the taunting and charged me like I wanted. He was light on his feet for a large man; well balanced and smooth.

He was quick but unfortunately for him Jason had been beyond that. He was sudden. In every martial arts class or physical competition, we were inevitably pitted against each other. Plan A for me was to get my competitor to get into a contest of strength and will. It was easy to do it to normal men; even losing under those circumstances is a machismo victory. Jason did not have an ego and was faster than I was strong. The best I could say about sparring Jason was sometimes I gave as good as I got.

The big man was moving in slow motion compared to what I had experienced. I set for the charge and brought my hands up inside his. I grabbed his forearms and put my shoulder to his chest. He was big but I was shorter and my mass was nearly all muscle. The charge broke as the question of unstoppable and immovable was answered on a small scale.

He screamed as I applied pressure to his forearms. I went to edge of breaking bone and his body recognized the danger. He had never been in the hold of strength like mine. He tried to pull away and I squeezed harder. He screamed again as he felt the bones begin to give. I twisted and threw him off the side of the building.

"NO!" the other two brothers screamed and ran to where I tossed their friend off.

I walked a few feet away, sat on edge of the building and looked down. The painter's scaffolding was a floor below. The big idiot had rolled off and was barely holding on to one of the ropes. None of them had noticed the setup of ropes that helped suspend it; they were too busy pre-celebrating the ass-kicking they were going to give me.

"There's a rope ladder over there," I told the frat boys left on the building, pointing towards it.

The painters had collected it neatly so it only took seconds for the two to pitch it over the side, climb down to the scaffolding, and pull their buddy to safety. I watched as they looked up at me. The big one had the fear of death in his eyes. I smiled down at them.

"You don't really think I tried to kill you?" I asked just loud enough for them to hear me.

Admittedly, there was a chance that I might have missed. The guy was big though, and the scaffolding made a sizeable target. It was not quite like trying to hit the broad side of a barn, but even the left barn door is hard to miss.

I waited patiently as they climbed up the ladder. They gave me a look and turned to walk away.

"Guys," I said to their backs. "I didn't say we were done."

Melisa's dad moving to the stairway and both Brothers leaving warned me that someone was coming. I moved away from the three groaning frat boys on the ground to watch the elevator.

Michael, some of his brothers, and Gerald rushed out as soon as it opened. They walked quickly to us and looked at the three bodies. Gerald turned his eyes to me. For a second, disappointment flashed in them, almost earning him a place beside his brothers. Michael must have felt it because he moved beside me and put a hand on my chest as I stepped towards Gerald. Michael's brothers snickered loudly as Gerald took four steps away from me.

I looked at Michael.

"Beating the shit out of the three brothers who jumped you is one thing," he said softly. "Beating the shit out of a terrified little boy who won't fight back is completely different, David."

I nodded.

Michael turned to Gerald.

"This has to be taken before the Greek council. Three Taus attacked a sorority sister and then the same three Taus attack a non-Greek, Gerald? Obviously, nothing was done within your fraternity to discipline these three assholes. I'll be asking the Council to revoke Tau's official affiliation with the University and to reclaim your chapter house."

Michael looked down at the three brothers.

"Unless, of course, you can prove to me that they're really sorry," he concluded.

Michael had earned a lot of his fraternity's favor in the last few days. His brothers would follow his lead if he pushed the issue on an official level. Gerald stepped forward and kicked the big one solidly in the gut. We watched as he beat his brothers until Michael was satisfied the Tau debt had been paid in full.

Walking into the elevator behind Michael and his brothers, I shook my head. The Sibling held a grudge like no one I had ever met before. It was amusing, considering how laidback and relaxed he always seemed. The brothers walked a small distance away to give Michael and I privacy when we got to the first floor.

"How did you know?" I asked him.

"Roderigo called me to say you were being followed. I got a few of my brothers together and we corralled Gerald."

"Why bother?" I asked him.

"Your donation to the fraternity makes a lot of things easier for me but seeing you're not someone to fuck with helps even more," he said frankly.

I nodded.

Melisa thought rebuilding Michael's frat house was also in-line with keeping my life under control. The brothers reacted differently to the donation than the sorority sisters. The money made the sisters more curious; the brothers put more distance between us. They were friendlier around campus but made sure to keep everything impersonal. Michael had rarely lived outside the presence of a Brother before; none of his friends or brothers asked why he lived in my house after the check was handed over. I knew that eased his mental state significantly. The brothers were also very useful in spreading the rumor that the girls I was involved with were gold-digging.

"He's fucking rich, dude. Shut the fuck up!" was one of the brother's answer to another fraternity's question about why I was so popular with sisters from Melisa's sorority.

I nodded.

"I haven't fucking eaten yet," I complained looking around for some place close.

"Doris and Melisa are in your house," Michael said. "I'm sure Doris will make you something to eat."

I stared at him as he joined his brothers before turning to walk back home.

Melisa asked the questions about the three idiots that Doris Alex was probably dying to. I did not give them details about my involvement but Doris Alex smiled widely as I described Gerald kicking his brothers to satisfy Michael's idea of revenge.

"Michael's a good boy," she said.

"You should probably thank him," I said with a smile.

"I was going to wait until you're ready for threesomes again," she said sitting down.

I raised an eyebrow.

"There's something about having a Brother's cock in my ass with Michael in my pussy," she whispered with a shiver. "Or to have you fucking me from behind while I'm sucking his dick and getting both of you to cum at the same time."

I hardened at the visions.

"Oh!" Melisa said suddenly.

I turned to her.

"She's really sexy when she talks dirty," she said explaining her reaction.

She slipped her hand over my thigh and grabbed my dick through my pants. She looked at the clock and smiled.

"It's close enough to three PM," Melisa said brightly. "I was promised dick. Doris, bring lunch into David's bedroom."

She dragged me into my room and had us naked in seconds.

Lunch was good but it was hard to concentrate on eating with Doris Alex proving she could do a proper cleanup after sex. It precipitated a discussion in which the Siblings proved conclusively that two women giving a joint blowjob is not a threesome. My definition of a good threesome states that each party has sex with the other two participants. They argued that kissing was not sex, thus if they only kissed, we were not in fact having a threesome. I was not buying it but my dick vetoed any argument when Doris Alex deep-throated me while Melisa tongue-washed my balls.

Since it was in fact not a threesome, they felt justified in kicking me out of bed so they could go past kissing. I studied to the sounds of two Siblings exploring their joint sexuality and then to the sound of their breathing as they slept.

Some changes are very good, once you get used to them.