Chapter 22

Disclaimer/Warning: This work is not mine. Contacting the original author is impossible, but I like to think they would be okay with my posting it here for as many people to see as possible. This work is NOT complete and it will NEVER be complete. I'm sad too.

With that said, enjoy.

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I was lying on Doris Alex's bed when Hurricane Janet struck the shores of my house.

The situation with Melisa and Rachel was looking like I would have to get involved, but I needed to consider my options. Rachel was getting obnoxious, not in an unfriendly way but as if she wanted to test my control. I always thought blondes should do as they please but Rachel was getting dangerously close to unpleasing me. Some of it was the stress of the final project, my part was done and neither girl appreciated not being able to criticize the quality of my work even though I finished before them. I got the feeling that the greater part had to do with my lack of reaction to the two of them being together though.

The door opened and I looked towards it. Janet walked in wearing a white button-down shirt and jeans. I was naked and half-hard from the memories of a night with Doris Alex.

"You really meant on the hour I got back, didn't you?" Janet asked looking hungrily at my dick.

I got up from the bed and walked towards her.

"David, my parents are downstairs," she said hurriedly as I approached.

I grabbed a handful of her hair and used my body to press her to the door.

"Oh, God!" she whispered as my mouth came down on hers.

Janet kissed hotly; her mouth opened seconds after we touched and she invited the invasion of my tongue. I grabbed the front of her shirt and ripped it open. She groaned and pressed against me. I pushed the bra out of my way and palmed her plump breasts. She melted downwards and I had to hold her up with the pressure of my body pinning her to the door. Her tongue fought its way past mine to enter my mouth. I sucked on it while I pushed the shirt down her arms. Her hands grabbed my hips and she tried to find a grip by which she could draw me closer. I pulled her forward long enough to grab the back of her bra in my hands and snap the clasp. She broke the kiss and raised her arms so that I could take it off her body.

I pulled her against me and she moaned rubbing her stomach against my hard cock. I always wake up horny but I was close to raging from wanting to be inside her. I picked her up, turned around and walked to the bed. I dumped her on top of it and put my hands on the waist of her jeans. We fought against each other's efforts to remove them. She wanted them off and I wanted them off but we both wanted to be the one that took them off.

We were not accomplishing our goal so I put my hands on her waist and leaned down to take a ripe nipple into my mouth.

"Oh, Jesus," she said harshly.

I transferred my attention to the other. Her hands became desperate to get her pants off. I had to give her room so I backed away. She looked shocked at the loss of contact but recovered realizing the opportunity it gave her. She unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them down her hips. She kicked off her shoes and pants. I got between her legs as she put her hands on her panties. She pushed at my hips to get me away so she could finish the job of disrobing. I refused to move and reached down to grab the crotch of her panties. I pushed them aside and grabbed my dick. She looked at the point of our impending joining with lust. I guided the head of my dick to her pussy.

Janet steamed.

Her pussy was hot and wet as I bumped her. I rubbed the tip of my dick against her clit.

"FUCK ME!" she demanded in a hard whisper grabbing my wrist and digging her nails into me.

I nodded at the yes I had wanted months before and dipped lower. She was months ready to take me and I slid into her with only the slightest forward pressure. She raised her legs and grabbed the inside of her knees to pull down. I pushed her hands aside and replaced her grips. She reached between us to hold her panties aside as I pulled back. I had penetrated about a quarter of the way into her without resistance so I knew I could fuck into her hard. Her eyes widened as I looked at her with intent. I forged into her powerfully and she turned her head. She reached over, grabbed a pillow and tried to stuff it into her mouth. She screamed into it as I pulled back and took every inch of depth she had denied me months before. I pulled back and fucked into her hard again. I rested at the bottom. She put a fisted hand on my stomach and pounded me lightly in protest to my hesitation. She looked up at me with lost eyes.

"God, please, fuck me," she begged and bit the pillow again.

I pulled backwards with my hips until only the head of my dick was holding her open. I powered into her and pulled out quickly. I fucked Janet with long hard strokes pushing down on her legs to keep her open.

She pushed back on my grips with her legs when her orgasm washed over her. Her pussy squeezed me and I had to bite my lip to maintain control through the pleasure as her body tried to draw what it wanted from me. I leaned down to change the angle and she gasped. She moved her hips in circles as the new pressure on her clit changed her focus. Seconds later, she screamed again as motion took her over the top.

She released her tight hold on the pillow and pushed it aside to look at me. Staring into her eyes, I pulled out of her slowly. Her brow furrowed when took a step back.

"Put it back in," she pleaded softly.

"Go say goodbye to your parents," I said and moved around her to sit on the bed.

She turned and looked at me with a hard expression.

"My shirt is on the floor," I said. "You probably shouldn't wear yours considering I ripped all the buttons off."

She knelt on the bed and continued to stare at me. I looked into her brown eyes.

"I'm not going to put my clothes on, Janet," I said. "And this is going to be more than a quickie."

She bit her lower lip and continued looking at me. She jumped off the bed and picked my shirt up. She threw it on and grabbed my shorts. She stepped into them and almost ran out the door. I lay back and stared at the ceiling again.

I decided Melisa and Rachel could wait.

Ten minutes later, Janet opened the door. She stepped inside and pushed my shorts off her body. She pulled the shirt over her head and jumped back when she saw I was standing in front of her. Janet seemed forgetful about the fact that taking off her panties would make fucking more comfortable. I put my hands on her waist and moved downward taking the silk away from her body. I put my shoulder on her stomach and lifted her.

"Hey," she exclaimed as she was folded over my shoulder.

I spanked her asscheek to stall any further protest. She wriggled sexily on my shoulder so I spanked her again. She tightened her stomach so I spanked her again.

Any rigidity lost in waiting for Janet to get back was regained as I put my fingers between her asscheeks. I moved them downward touching the dew on her pussylips. I opened the door and walked downstairs. Rachel, Melisa and Doris Alex were in the living room. Rachel's eyes widened and she looked away immediately. Doris Alex jumped up and ran to open the doors to my bedroom. Melisa pretended she did not see anything.

I walked into my room and to the edge of my bed. I deposited Janet on it somewhat ungently. I turned around and walked to my doors. Doris Alex had moved out of the way. I winked at her and grabbed the doors. Rachel was staring at me. As I closed the doors, she and I held the eye-contact.

I turned around to see Janet holding her legs open.

"Where were we?" I asked as I got between her legs.

She answered by reaching between her legs and taking a tight grip on my cock. She pulled me to her pussy and rubbed my dickhead along her pussylips before centering me. I pushed forward slightly so that I opened her body for my penetration. She reached out with her hands and I put mine in hers. She put my hands on the inside of her knees. I pushed down with my hands and hips. She arched her hips to take me deeper.

I cut into her with no resistance until the inside of my hips were touching her skin. She hitched her ass forcing me a deeper. I pulled back and penetrated to her depth slowly. She squeezed my cock in welcome when I was as deep as our bodies would allow.

I took my time watching her face as I moved in and out of her slowly. I had been frustrated by her denial and though the word no was not in her vocabulary to a Brother I wanted her never to think of it again as it pertained to me.

Janet did not bother with the pillow. She simply screamed as I fucked her into orgasm after orgasm. I strengthened the strokes as she climbed to each peak until there was light layer of sweat on us. I wanted to continue pouring orgasms into her like a rainstorm flooding a river but I had waited a long time too.

She felt my thickening, sat up to wrap her arms around my torso and pull me down. I bit her shoulder and she gasped as I powered through a final pair of strokes. Her pussy tried to lock me in a vice grip to drain my energy. I pulled back one last time and fucked into Janet as hard I could. Every muscle in my body tightened and she screamed one last time as she felt my heat deep inside her.

Janet set the tone for her week in the house fifteen minutes later. She got out of the bed and walked to my drawers. She pulled out shorts and t-shirt. She threw them on top of me and walked towards the closet. She seemed unsatisfied by what she found and looked around. She walked to the laundry basket and dumped most of it on the floor. She smiled pulling a white shirt out of the pile. She picked everything else up and shoved it back in the basket.

She buttoned the white shirt on, hiding her curves from my view. She looked at the clothing she had tossed on top of me expectantly. I shrugged deciding I might as well go along for the ride. I dressed quickly. She nodded and opened the doors. She walked around the living room until she found the remote for the TV. She sat down on the couch and looked at me. I move to stand in front of the couch. She grabbed my hand and pulled me down. She arranged me to her greatest comfort and lay down with her head against me. She turned the television on.

"We're doing work here," Rachel pointed out.

I could have told Janet that except that the shirt had settled too high to cover Janet appropriately. Her pussylips and a sliver of darkness from her pubic hair peeked out from underneath the cloth.

Mentally, I was still inside Janet.

"There's no TV in David's room," Janet said while changing channels.

It looked like she was willfully trying to keep from becoming involved with anything on television. I smiled hoping it meant this was just the eye of the storm and later the rain would bathe me again.

"There's a TV in Doris Alex's room," Melisa said.

The shirt rode higher as Janet turned to look at Melisa. Janet had shaved down to that sliver of pubic hair that was already visible. I saw Janet naked before she left for the summer but decided that I needed to make a study of her now that it could end with me buried in her pussy.

"Yeah, but I want David to myself..." she hesitated as Melisa's eyes turned angry. "For a few days."

"So?" Rachel said between gritted teeth.

"Don't you think it would be rude for my pussy juice and David's cum to be all over your bed if you had nothing to do with it?" Janet asked.

"Not to mention the sex smell," Doris Alex said with a smile.

"See what I mean," Janet accused. "That redheaded bitch would jump right in like she had a right to just cause it was her bed."

"You don't like me anymore," Doris Alex counter-accused with a cute pout.

Janet stretched luxuriously making the shirt creep up her body before answering.

"I've liked you plenty before, D," she said. "I want to like David some in private, before I let the two of you attack my body."

Doris Alex snickered.

"Isn't that my shirt?" Melisa asked changing the subject.

"Smells like David's to me," Janet said with a wicked smile. "I guess that means I smell like David now... although it probably has nothing to do with the shirt."

Melisa slammed her book shut, picked up her things and stomped out of the room with Rachel on her heels. Doris Alex watched them with a happy look on her face.

"Has it really been that bad?" Janet asked Doris Alex.

Doris Alex looked at me and shrugged in reply. Janet sat up and turned around to kneel by me.

"You need to do something David," she urged. "A Sibling shouldn't be allowed... whatever Melisa is doing, David, she shouldn't be allowed to."

Siblings need to be treated in as many different ways as there are reasons for them to choose a white ring. Doris Alex submissively accepted. Michael looked to make sure there were comforting lines around his life everyday. Susan expected everyone of her challenges to be conquered.

Janet demanded.

She demanded a Brother be a Brother every time she was near him. She wanted to walk into a room and have lust flood her even if she could only sense a Brother was in the room. Her demands required a harder handling than the other Siblings' questions.

"I see nothing that I need to do anything about," I said softly meeting her eyes.

She demanded with her eyes and found emptiness in mine. She turned away and shared a long look with Doris Alex. There was communication between them because Doris Alex looked thoughtfully in the direction Melisa and Rachel had gone.

Janet turned my face so that she could kiss me. I felt the heat of need on her lips. She put her hand on my shorts and pulled down far enough for my hardening cock to escape. I lifted my hips and she pulled my shorts past my hips.

I felt Doris Alex's hands on me as she relieved me of my shorts. Janet lay down on her stomach and kissed my dick softly. I opened my eyes to see Doris Alex had taken off her pants and was watching the action intently as Janet took me into her mouth.

Melisa and Rachel would have to wait until after Janet's week.

Rachel almost forced my hand a couple of days later. We were going over the final edit of our project when she slammed her copy down.

"Are you really this much of an asshole?" she asked angrily.

I finished the paragraph I was on before looking up at her.

"I don't understand the question," I said.

"You're hurting Melisa with the way you and Janet are acting," she said sitting up and leaning towards me.

I smiled at her and shook my head.

"I am not hurting Melisa."

She sat back and looked frustrated.

"Now, you're going to give me that fucking guy bullshit," she said. "I'm not hurting her, she's hurting herself."

"Actually, what I said was 'I am not hurting Melisa'," I corrected.

She looked ready to explode when Janet sat down.

"Speak of the bitch," Rachel said sarcastically.

"You know, Rachel," Janet said taking a piece of lettuce from my plate.

I wondered what it was about women that they liked to eat my food.

"You were a lot fucking nicer when David only paid attention to you," Janet finished with an eyebrow cocked at Rachel.

"And you were a lot fucking nicer when..." Rachel started but lost the round when she could not quite finish the sentence.

"The words you're looking for is when David wasn't fucking me," Janet pointed out stealing a cucumber slice from Rachel's salad.

It made me feel better; it was not just my food.

That type of confrontation was pretty much how every meeting between Janet and either of the two girls ended for the last couple of days.

"Are you almost done here, David?" Janet asked.

"I have a couple of pages to go," I replied.

"Cool," she said with a cheery clap of her hands. "Can you give me a tour of the sorority house?"

Janet turned to Rachel who was still looking angry.

"I have this thing about construction sites," Janet confessed. "The house is almost done but I'm sure there's still a couple of rooms with tools thrown around."

She turned her bright brown eyes back on me.

"If there are construction workers still there, can we find a room and leave the door open? I'd love to be dicked thinking some construction guy is watching."

She rubbed her thighs together to make sure that I knew she was completely serious.

"You didn't behave like this before," Rachel said suspiciously.

Janet shrugged and looked at Rachel.

"I like David," Janet said honestly. "What's the point of hiding it?"

There were no construction workers around but getting to play with large tools was enough to get Janet going.

The biggest blowup happened on Friday.

Janet had plans for Friday she did not tell anyone in the house about. She was waiting by a cab when I came out of my class building after turning in the final project. She wore a micro-mini and a top that could not have believingly masqueraded as a sports bra. There were more than a couple of hard looks my way when she crooked her finger at me.

"Car," she said before pulling me close for a kiss.

Janet had the Melisa habit of taking off in my car. It annoyed the shit out of Melisa who still drove off in mine whenever she pleased. I had been the first one to my car that morning so I was the winner of the 'drive David's car' sweepstakes for the day. Janet had a solution in the works for resolving her part of the issue.

The cab driver spent most of his time staring at the rear-view mirror as Janet pre-thanked me for her new car. She did not tell me that was where we were going until I discovered she was not wearing panties under the skirt. With two fingers inside her, I felt I should agree to her demands.

I was surprised at the dealership that Janet had given the driver directions to. Janet's car would be the most expensive I had bought a Sibling by a wide margin. I looked at her as we stepped out of the car. She smiled as if challenging me to say she did not deserve the best. She pulled her skirt up slightly so that her pussy could blow me a moist kiss before trying to make herself decent. I paid the driver and followed Janet's sway into the Porsche dealership.

"James!" she cried enthusiastically when she walked into the door.

A large dealer pulled her into a hearty hug. He set her down and Janet had to straighten her skirt again.

"Is this your benefactor?" James asked looking at me with serious envy in his eyes.

I could not blame him.

"I don't know about benefactor," Janet said winking at me. "I'm his sex toy so I guess owner would be a better word... without all the whips and chains slave stuff, of course. Well, actually let's leave SOME of the whips and chains stuff in."

James nearly swallowed his tongue. I had gotten used to Janet's enthusiastic pronouncements of the new sexuality in our relationship so I let it slide without comment.

"You know James?" I asked Janet.

"I met him on Monday," Janet said. "Jeremy brought me here to order the car. I wanted the dealership to have it on the lot when I brought you to pay for it."

I nodded and looked at James.

"Is it on the lot?" I asked.

"Yes, it's detailed and ready for Miss Janet to take it home, sir."

I nodded again and studied Janet. She blew me a kiss and shifted her legs so that her pussy could wink at me. I shrugged and turned back to James.

"Dr. Ryan gave me the name of your accountant and everything has been arranged. All you need to do is sign some paperwork."

I raised my hand to forestall any further comment.

"Can you escort Janet to her car? I'd like her to test drive it and make sure it's exactly what she wants," I instructed.

I had an idea what the price tag of something that Janet would choose might be and his immediate agreement confirmed it. The receptionist brought me a cup of coffee and chatted with me while Janet and James were gone.

"You are going to be very satisfied," Janet said.

She sat down and her pussy winked at me again. James gulped at the tone that Janet used to speak to me, like she could not wait to be naked underneath me. I signed the paperwork giving Janet ownership of her new car and ducked all of James' sales pitches.

After she dropped me off at my car, I followed Janet home shaking my head at the taste of inclement bad weather. She gunned the engine outside the house to announce her arrival. Michael and Doris Alex opened the door as if on cue and rushed out to 'ooh and awe' at Janet's new toy. I got out of my car and walked inside. I had to pass Rachel and a fuming Melissa to get into the living room. Five minutes later, Janet walked in with the other two Siblings in tow.

"You little bitch," Melisa said looking at Janet furiously. "You did that on purpose."

I studied Melisa; her real meaning was almost obvious.

"Yes, I did," Janet admitted happily.

"You bitch!"

Janet shrugged and took her top off. Rachel looked away but seconds later looked back when Janet shimmied out of the skirt. Janet put her hands on her hips and looked around the room.

"Am I worth a thousand dollars a fuck?" she asked no one in particular.

"Having been there," Michael volunteered. "I would say yes. At least, a thousand dollars a fuck."

Janet nodded a thanks at Michael. A wave of heat from her body washed through me as she turned toward me.

"Do you know how much credit your dick has with my pussy right now?" she asked.

Her eyes were burning.

"She has a really good mouth, David," Doris Alex said enthusiastically. "I would definitely let her work it off like that too."

"Again, having been there," Michael said clearing his throat. "Her ass is a really comfortable ride too."

"Thanks guys," Janet said with a cheery smile. "That should make it easier to make sure David feels like he's getting his money's worth."

"You fucking bitch," Melisa spit out.

Janet turned and looked at her. The smile she gave my First was melted sugar.

"Excuse me," I said.

Everyone turned to look at me.

"I would like to define a thousand dollars as 'per session'," I said.

"That's fucking crazy," Doris Alex said coming to stand next to Janet.

"Personally, I agree with David," Michael said sitting down.

"But a session with David could go on for hours," Doris Alex defended.

"True but that is a very expensive piece of automotive machinery outside," Michael said. "She could always give the keys back. I'm sure that David could find somebody else who will agree to his terms."

"Regardless of someone being willing to do it, it's still an unreasonable request," Doris Alex rebutted. "You want the payee to willingly and happily dispose of her debts."

"The car goes 'Vroom!' real nice," Michael said looking at his nails.

Doris Alex stamped her foot.

"Okay, per session," she capitulated. "But you have to define the end of a session."

"Sleep," Michael said immediately.

"Food," Doris Alex responded with.

"Not a re-energizing snack, surely," Michael pushed with.

"Putting clothing back on," Doris Alex demanded.

"But not clothing meant to aid the session," Michael defended.

"David doesn't need aid," Doris Alex pointed out.

"Janet's a little kinky with the leather," Michael said. "She also forgets to take the panties off and somehow they end up back on her if the action continues for a while."

"That's true," Doris Alex said studying Janet who shrugged.

"So sleep, a non-re-energizing food run, and putting on street clothes are the official endings of a session," Michael said counting them off with his fingers.

"I don't know. Those leave a lot of room. I mean they could come out here, watch television naked, go back inside and it's still a session," Doris Alex said unsure of herself.

"That's a nice car to be throwing back in the face of the giver," Michael said teasingly.

"Okay, but if someone else joins the fun, it's double dollars."

"Not on either of your sweet little pussies!" Michael said shaking his head.

"Done," Janet announced impatiently.

She turned and strutted towards my room.

"Coming, David?" she asked as she pushed the doors open.

I shrugged and walked into my room.

"Bitch," Melisa yelled. "YOU FUCKING BITCH!"

I closed the doors behind me. I looked at Janet lying on the bed. I could feel her desire from where I stood.

"You know Melisa isn't..." I started to say.

Janet put her hand up to stop me.

"Believe me, David," she said clearly. "No one has to tell me what Melisa is or is not when it comes to you. It doesn't mean I can't have a little fun, right?"

I nodded in agreement.

She turned over on her tummy and pushed up to her knees. I stripped and approached her naked availability. The bed was too high but I had discovered a way around that. I popped the mattress with my knees bringing it out of alignment with the box frame. I grabbed a pillow and pushed the mattress further out of alignment. I kept pushing until I could place the pillow on the frame. I grabbed Janet's hips and pulled her backwards. She knelt on the pillow, which brought her ass to a more fitting height.

I fucked into Janet's pussy slowly. The day had prepared her for my penetration and her body tried to suck me in. I shifted the angle of my hips so I was slightly below her. I wanted added pressure on her clit. She squeezed me when I was fucked completely into her. I was needy but did not ache to release inside her. I fucked back smoothly and pushed in at a deliberate pace.

"Harder!" she pleaded but I had different ideas.

Her orgasm was slow in coming as I fucked her with long, deep strokes keeping what pressure I could on her clit. She gurgled the sound of her pleasure as her body accepted what came even if it was not what it wanted.

I pulled out of her and she protested until my tongue touched her clit. She reached behind her and spread her asscheeks to give me as much access as I needed. I licked her pussy lips and tasted the strength of her orgasm. I sucked what I could of the area around her clit into my mouth and attacked her center with my tongue.

"Oh fuck!" she screamed into the mattress as another orgasm rapidly approached.

It darkened her taste.

I stood up and touched her pussy with the head of my dick. She tried to spread herself wider as I moved into her. I moved a little faster than before. My hips hit her ass with power as I found bottom and pulled back.

Rank strikes a Sibling like Janet where they live and having it over everyone else in the house pushed all of her buttons. I did not need to ask any questions to know that was what the little show in the living room had been about. Janet had been low Sibling when she left school but a week of fucking when I pleased changed that.

The car helped her excitement levels too.

She bit into the bed sheets as she began her climb towards orgasm again. I held her as she passed over the peak but at its highest point I pulled out of her and knelt down. She tried to pull away from me as I took her clit into my mouth again. I brought my open hand down on her ass hard and she froze. I sucked her clit while licking it as fast as I could. I rubbed gently at the spot I had spanked. Her body jumped from the peak she was on to a higher mountain. She pushed back against me. I held onto her as her body vibrated with pleasure. I cradled her fall with long strokes of my tongue until I felt her body relax.

I stood up and pushed into her. I fucked her with slow strokes waiting for her to return to her body.

"I'm not going to cum again after that," she said gently.

She proved herself wrong as minutes later pleasure flooded her body along with my cum.

We had straightened out the bed and were lying enjoying each other's heat when Doris Alex opened the door. She was naked and walked up to the bed with seduction obviously in mind.

The deed was done by the time she got to the bed. She crawled over me and opened Janet's legs.

"If anything happens between the three of us is that considered a new session?" I asked.

"No," Janet said between gasps.

"Just wondering."

It took a few more minutes for Doris Alex to finish with Janet and turn her attention on me. Doris Alex must have missed Janet over the summer because she was not satisfied until she licked every drop of Janet's flavor from me. Doris Alex crawled up my body and lay down on the opposite side to Janet. Both Siblings played their fingers gently over my genitals.

"D, are you going anywhere this weekend?" Janet asked.

"I was thinking of hanging out around here," Doris Alex replied.

"Awesome," Janet said. "How about we forget the food and sleep rules and make this weekend one very long fuck session between the three of us."

My dick perked up at that.

"I don't know, Janet," Doris Alex teased taking me in her hand. "David might expect that kind of exception later."


"Okay," Doris Alex said. "But he has this thing about threesomes."


Doris Alex laughed at that.

"I was thinking of maybe not moving into the chapter house next week," Janet said thoughtfully.

My dick jumped in hardness again.

"I think someone likes that idea," Doris Alex said.

"Awesome," Janet said. "I'll move in to the sorority house when the two new Siblings arrive."

"Yeah, they're your responsibility this year," Doris Alex said pointedly.

"I wasn't that big of a pain," Janet said with a sigh. "Was I?"

"No, you were not that big of a pain."

"D?" Janet said pleadingly.

"Just take care of those two and we'll be even," Doris Alex said.

"Okay! Okay!" Janet replied satisfied.

"What do you have to do with them?" I asked Janet.

"I have to make sure they settle in comfortably," Janet said. "Introduce them to Brothers in the area. They probably won't wander far from you so make sure they feel like they can come here any time."

"He built Malia a pool, Janet," Doris Alex said almost sarcastically. "I think she's going to feel like she can come here any time she damn well pleases."

"Yeah, but Heather might feel left out."

My dick got really hard at the mention of Heather.

"Feel this," Doris Alex said.

Janet's hand joined Doris Alex's around my dick.

"Heather is coming," Doris Alex whispered sexily.

"Okaaaay," Janet said. "Don't have to worry about Heather feeling anything except full of Brother cock."

Both of them laughed for a few seconds.

"So I'll stay here next week," Janet said confidently.

Melisa and Rachel were going to have to wait another week, I thought. Considering the arrival of the two new Siblings, they would probably have to wait even longer.