Chapter 24

Disclaimer/Warning: This work is not mine. Contacting the original author is impossible, but I like to think they would be okay with my posting it here for as many people to see as possible. This work is NOT complete and it will NEVER be complete. I'm sad too.

With that said, enjoy.

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Everyone else in the house chose Monday to buy books and decided that I needed to be dragged along. With the upperclassmen pouring on campus, the bookstore was busier than when I stopped in on Saturday. The crowd would have been intolerable had I not been surrounded by people that I knew.

I was studying a book for a class I intended to take at a later time when I noticed that Rachel was talking to one of the three Tau idiots; more accurately, he was talking to her. She turned to walk away only to be stopped by his hard grip on her upper arm. She yanked her arm loose; I moved towards them slowly.

Doris Alex intercepted me.

"That's not your business, David," she said.

"It's not?" I asked.

"He doesn't like no for an answer," she said with a shrug.

She took a step back when my eyes flattened.

"Not like that, David," she said quickly. "He's openly aggressive and Rachel doesn't deal with that well. Plus right now, it would be best if you stayed away from her."

Rachel had not taken the new Siblings in my life well. Doris Alex was Doris Alex; a mystery one just had to accept. Janet wanted me since the fight on the bus and did not give a shit about how she got what she wanted or if she had to share it. Melisa had drifted away from me, at least from Rachel's perspective, even if I behaved as if nothing was different. Those things Rachel could accept; the two Siblings and their automatic admittance into a circle Rachel could only perceive frustrated her. She had made the leap that there was more going on in the house than I had inherited a lot of money. I wondered if I should push the envelope by asking Susan to spend the night.

I watched Rachel take Michael's arm and use him as a shield against the Tau's attention. I turned back to my book thinking about the Tau. My lesson about it being safer to play outside my sandbox had not connected as well as I expected. People that stupid bore paying closer attention to.

We ran into a pack of Michael's frat brothers and ended up at their house. Each brother found it necessary to thank me personally for the changes to their living environment. I tried to extricate myself from the situation but found that every time I made an attempt to get out one of the Siblings was there to corral me. The get-together became a party after the sun went down. I settled into watching the crowd from behind a screen of Siblings. Rachel had not let go of Michael after we left the bookstore and Melisa was orbiting the pair.

Malia had begun the day as the Sibling the farthest out from me but had slowly moved closer. I noticed the trend earlier and contented myself with waiting for her to pick the right time.

The right time arrived accompanied with a salty kiss.

"That's not ocean spray," I said as we broke apart.

"Real salt," she said excitedly.

I licked her lips to get the rest of the spice off. Kissing her seemed a reliable method of making sure I got everything.

"Can we go back to my room?" she asked kissing my neck.

It was better than any other excuse I had come up with for leaving and one that promised no Sibling interference. I took her hand and found the nearest exit. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Michael pull Melisa into a tight hug.

Malia shared a room with Heather but the decoration screamed surfer girl on both sides. I liked the bright surfboard, the tie-dyed towels, but stared at the fishing net in confusion.

"My father used to take me fishing when I was little," she said putting her arms around me. "I wasn't very good because I liked putting the fishies back in the water."

I laughed imagining a very young Malia doing that with a bemused father trying to explain getting the fishies out of the water was the point. She pulled away from me and sat on the bed. The girls had adjusted their beds like I had mine when I lived in the dorms. They turned the ends upside down and reinstalled the frame to gain extra height. I looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

"This isn't your house," she said nervously as if she could read my mind.

"So I can't spank you?"

"You could try," she challenged discarding the nervousness immediately.

"That's not my objective, right now," I said calmly.

"You could try anyway," she said with a wicked smile.

She was quick and as slippery as an eel. I got my hands on her without a problem but found that her favorite move was to distract me by wriggling against my hard-on. I had her pinned to the ground the first time she used it. My hands were underneath her top when she pushed her hips against me. She rubbed her mound on my groin and pulled me into a hard kiss. My hands stopped pushing the top up and settled on stroking her skin. She moved her hips restlessly against me so I turned us over so that she was on top. She kissed me for a couple of minutes before standing up and moving to the window.

"I'm not going to get spanked if you're that easy to distract," she chided with a smile.

I lay on the ground looking up at her for a second. I stood up slowly and her eyes looked nervously around the room. I moved to my right cutting her off before she started moving. I put my hands on the bottom of her top and pulled it upwards. I dropped it beside us and raised my arms as she pulled my t-shirt off. I pinned her against the wall and kissed her neck gently. She cupped my hard-on between her hips and used her nails on the small of my back. I was ready for her attempt at escape by distraction; I rubbed back when she ground against me. She gasped moving her hands to my hips to pull me tighter to her.

I pulled her away from the window and walked to the bed with her in front of me. She wrestled me to escape her fate but she was not trying very hard. She managed to turn around in the circle of my arms. I pushed her against the bed and in her struggles she pushed her ass back. It was too tempting so I spanked her hard with my right hand. She froze for a second confused about what to do next. I smiled knowing she wanted to continue the resistance play. I moved my hands around her waist to the front of her shorts. She moved her ass on my groin trying to entice instead of distract. I undid her belt, the button of her shorts and her zipper in quick succession.

Malia pushed her shorts down her hips and legs. She kicked them off and pushed back with her ass to get in contact with me again. I had moved aside though. She gave a cry of surprise when I spanked her mostly naked asscheek. I spanked the other for good measure garnering a yelp of pleasure. She undid the ties to her bathing suit bottom; spreading her legs caused the suit to drop to the floor. She turned around slowly letting me enjoy her nakedness. Her pubic hair was completely shaved off, which considering the size of some of her bathing suit bottoms was a necessity. I put my hand on her tummy and walked my fingers downwards. She pushed her hips out as I touched her pussylips. I slipped a finger between them and found moisture. I pushed into her producing a gasp. She spread her legs wider and lowered her hips to get my finger deeper inside her.

Malia put her arms around my neck and pulled me closer for a kiss. She circled her hips as my tongue entered her mouth. She grabbed my shoulders tightly when I pulled my finger out and penetrated her with two of them. She bit my lip and moved her hands to the front of my jeans. With my fingers driving in and out of her, she had a more difficult time with her task than I had taking her shorts off. I made it easier by stepping back when she got her hand inside my jeans. She pushed them down my hips and I had to finish the job when playing with my dick distracted her. She used one hand to jack me slowly while the other explored my testicles. Taking off my jeans with one hand since I did not want to take the fingers of the other out of her was not an easy thing to accomplish.

She used her grip on my hardness to get me between her legs. I grabbed her waist and propped her on the bed. She smiled as she wrapped her legs around me. I moved closer to her until she could place me against her pussy. Malia moved my dick up and down her pussy. I waited for her to put me at her entrance but then noticed she was smiling widely. I shook my head and grabbed her wrist. She let my dick go and put her arm on the bed to hold her body at the right angle. I moved my hips forward and felt her body surround me in wetness. Malia lowered some of her weight to get me deeper inside her.

I pulled her towards me so that only her upper back was on the bed. The only way for her to get leverage to move her hips was to grip me tightly with her legs. She lay her head back and let me take over when I started moving in and out of her pussy. Malia tried vainly to gain what little leverage she could to assist in the fucking but tightening her legs only cut the distance I could move in and out of her. She settled for letting me stroke deeply while she twisted her hips side to side slowly.

Malia moved steadily towards an orgasm until I experimentally drove into her hard. She jumped a little and squeezed me tightly. I pumped into her hard again drawing a gasp and another squeeze. She wriggled mightily when I settled back to a gentler pace.

"Please!" she begged.

I reached underneath to cup her asscheeks tightly. I gave Malia exactly what she wanted until she arched her back in reaction to the powerful strokes.

"GOD!" she screamed as she came.

I slowed the pace of my strokes and let her rest in the aftermath of her pleasure for a couple of minutes. She lifted her head to look at me. She smiled wickedly and tried to pull her body completely on the bed. I let her go only to receive a pout for my cooperation.

"That wasn't very much of a spanking," she said sticking her tongue out at me.

I discovered that Malia was a much better struggle-fuck player after her first orgasm.

I heard female giggling the second I opened the door to my house. I walked into the living room and smelled the light buzz of alcohol on the room's occupants. I noticed the open beer bottles. I scrunched my nose blowing air out to adjust to the scent. Jason taught me never to imbibe, since you did not know when you would need to be at your best.

The tableau froze as the girls noticed me. Rachel was straddling Michael's thigh and had Melisa's hand trapped in a tight grip. She looked like she was trying to pull my First into a similar position on top of Michael's other thigh. Michael was too busy working on Rachel's neck with his lips to help.

My First had a look of angry resistance on her face.

Melisa's eyes met mine with relief. She pulled her hand away from Rachel and stood up. Rachel looked annoyed at me for a second. She shrugged her shoulders at Melisa, grabbed two handfuls of Michael's hair, pulled his head back and kissed him deeply.

I walked by them to enter my room.

A couple of minutes later Melisa opened the doors and walked inside. I watched as she approached me. She leaned against my desk and studied me. I was sitting in the large papa-san chair that had been my only contribution to the room. After installing it the week before, I usually came home to find a Sibling studying or taking a nap in it.

"Why is it that every Sibling I know is panicked by Rachel and me, but you don't seem to care?" she asked suddenly.

"I'm not a Sibling," I replied honestly.

"That's not enough, David," she said. "Most Brothers would have pulled back on the choke chain by now."

I smiled at the momentary fantasy of Melisa wearing a collar whose leash led to my hand. I would have to incorporate that in Janet's little fantasy about being my slave with Melisa kneeling next to her.

"You mean your dad would have pulled you back by now," I said.

Her mouth snapped shut as she stared at me.

"I'm not your dad either."