Disclaimer/Warning: This work is not mine. Contacting the original author is impossible, but I like to think they would be okay with my posting it here for as many people to see as possible. This work is NOT complete and it will NEVER be complete. I'm sad too.

With that said, enjoy.

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Siblings can be trying.

I learned early I could not lock my bedroom doors with a Sibling in the house, but even closing them caused problems. It was easier to tell anyone in the living room to keep it down so that I could keep my bedroom doors wide open while studying. If I closed the doors, every Sibling in the house interrupted me by peeking in and asking if I needed anything.

I closed my bedroom doors once, and timed the interruptions. Someone came in to check if I needed something every seven minutes for two hours before I conceded the issue. There was definitely some form of diabolical planning involved, since no Sibling came to my door twice in a row.

The level of annoyance caused by these types of Sibling habits is distinctly situational.

If I was horny, I simply closed my door and waited for the right Sibling to ask if I needed something. A look made them kneel with their mouth open, or drop trousers and climb happily onto my bed. It was an overly complicated mechanism when I could unclothe any Sibling I wanted and fuck them wherever I found them. On the other hand, it was pleasant to let fate surprise me as to who would relieve any particular bout of horniness.

The more annoying side of the coin was that Siblings made it impossible to take a nap in front of the TV in my living room. I finally found out why during the last couple of days of the University's winter break.

Everyone went home or where I assigned them for break; in the case of Doris Alex and Michael, it was Samantha's house. Susan, Nancy and Stephanie spent the Holidays at Anna's home.

"Have fun," Melisa whispered as we said goodbye near her car before she set out to spend most of the break with her mom and dad.

With the house empty and the three 'imported' Siblings having left already, I wondered what fun she expected me to have.

I came home from a late lunch and froze outside my door. My instincts screamed that there were people in the house. I opened the door slowly and stepped inside. It sounded like a woman was having a loud conversation with herself in the living room. I relaxed as she laughed in a way that was too natural for her to be uninvited; I could not sense anyone in any other part of the house either.

I walked into the living room only to come to an immediate halt. It was not one woman but two; the reason it sounded like only one was that they had the same voice.

They had the same everything; bright blue eyes, straight brown hair, young high breasts, friendly smile, and excited smell. They stood up and spun slowly to make sure I could not mistake what they were.

Naked identical twins.

"This is the part where you set the rules by telling me that you don't fuck each other," I told them.

They shared a confused look before speaking.

"You're a Brother," they said in perfect unison.

"We do..." the one on my left started.

"Whatever you want!" the one on my right concluded.

I guess they wanted to make that perfectly clear, because they turned and kissed like they had given each other their first and a few thousand more since then. They moved towards me while remaining lip-locked until they could kneel in front of me. Each one reached out with a hand to open my pants; when I stepped out of them they continued swapping spit around the steel bar that my dick was imitating.

The next day, when we finally separated long enough to talk, I found out my house was now an official stop on the Sibling's Brother road map. Melisa found about the twins winter road trip and suggested a week stay with me.

It was my first experience with a Sibling's inability to leave a Brother without white ring company for longer than a day. Siblings seem to believe that if a Brother is left to their own devices for too long, they will fuck some outsider and decide they like that better than having thousands of uninhibited people to service any possible sexual need or fantasy.

I thought I would be spending two weeks on my own, but as the twins were leaving a thirty-something sexual dynamo was pulling bags out of her car in my driveway.

The dynamo should not have bothered with bags. A bucket with her toiletries would have done as well since she undressed in the foyer and did not put a stitch of clothing back on until she left. She had me give her a tour of the house and touched nearly every flat surface. By the end of the week, only Melisa and Stephanie's beds were left out of our fuck-fest.

Melisa bounced up the steps as the dynamo drove away when the week ended.

"Did you have a good Holiday season?" she asked kissing me.

"It was okay," I told her.

She raised an eyebrow and like the dynamo stripped in the foyer. I got behind her and pressed her against the wall. My robe hit the floor, and a second later my first stroke lifted her completely off the ground.

"I missed you," she whispered before an orgasm crashed through her.

Susan, Nancy and Stephanie arrived a couple of days later, and the day after that Michael walked into the house leading a leashed Doris Alex.

She was wearing a white silk robe with a hood that covered her head. Michael reached into the hood and unclipped the leash. He moved to stand behind Doris Alex and pulled the hood back. Her green eyes assaulted me as Michael pulled the robe off her body. Naked except for a light sheen of anticipatory sweat, Doris Alex was breathing hard. I walked around her nodding to myself; Samantha was very good, not only were there no permanent marks, but I could not tell that Doris Alex had been abused in any way.

She quivered like a thoroughbred at the racing gate.

"She hasn't touched a Brother in three weeks," Michael said shaking his head.

"What about Samantha?" I asked furrowing my brow.

"Oh, Samantha touched Doris Alex," Michael said with a shiver. "With leather and a strap-on, but Doris Alex has not felt the skin to skin touch of a Brother for the last twenty one days."

"I'd shoot myself," Susan said in wonder.

"Needing physical contact with a Brother is a part of the indoctrination; she must be going crazy," Nancy added from where she sat at the base of the steps. "Jesus Christ, there's punishment but that's uncalled for."

I froze but before I could turn Doris Alex walked over, coolly slapped the psychologist, and walked back.

"She's Bloodline, you fucking idiot!" Susan said to Nancy.

The psychologist shrugged nonchalantly as she rubbed the cheek Doris Alex had slapped.

"I had to try," Nancy complained. "You never know, Samantha might have gone too far, and really adjusted her attitude."

"Let me repeat myself," Susan said with a sigh. "She's Bloodline, you fucking idiot! Personally, I think they are bred not to tolerate even a hint of disrespect to Brothers. You better hope she is too busy fucking David to remember you said that, otherwise you'll be in David's room screaming your head off again."

"Being in Doris and Melisa's claws wasn't that bad," Nancy said shrugging and standing up.

"What!!!" Susan yelled following Nancy up the steps.

"It hurt," Nancy said. "It hurt a lot; but begging for forgiveness is one of the few times a Brother will give you completely free access to their body."

"You're nuts!" Susan told her.

I heard them continue arguing as they entered Stephanie's room. The room was not very big so I wondered how they managed to spend most of the day in there with the door closed.

"What's that?" I asked Michael when I turned back to Doris Alex.

She was wearing a platinum chain with a shiny charm at the end of it around her neck.

"It's 'obey' in Greek," Michael told me. "The charm is made of platinum which isn't very shiny so she has to polish it every morning. Samantha decided Doris needed a more personal reminder of what happened when she disappointed you."

"How long does she have to do it for?" I asked him.

"For the rest of your life, David," Melisa answered reaching around from behind me to put her hands on my belt buckle.

She undid my pants and pushed them down my legs. I stepped out of them and she helped me take the t-shirt off. Her hand grabbed my dick and stroked it until I was hard.

"Kneel," Melisa said to Doris Alex.

The redhead took a step forward and knelt in front of me. Melisa walked around to stand beside us. She grabbed a fistful of Doris Alex's hair.

"Open your mouth," she instructed.

Melisa slammed Doris Alex's head forward, impaling her mouth on my cock. Doris Alex gagged and then convulsed as she came; three weeks without physical contact with any Brother had primed her. Another orgasm swamped her when I shot cum into her mouth.

In my bedroom, Doris Alex came as soon as I entered her. She wrapped her arms around me and held on desperately as I fucked her hard. Melisa stopped me with a hand on the small of my back before I could cum again. She guided me out of Doris Alex and looked at the redhead.

"Turn over," she commanded.

Doris Alex threw one leg over me and got on her stomach. Melisa guided the head of my dick to Doris Alex's anal entry.

"Fuck her!" Melisa whispered into my ear.

I thrust for the first time into Doris Alex's ass; the passage was tight but her body did not fight my entry. I grabbed her hips, pulled back and took her ass to the hilt. I had been on the edge and the extra tightness was enough to push me over the edge. Doris Alex joined me in orgasm as the heat of my cum warmed her.

"You're going to be good from now on, aren't you?" Melisa asked Doris Alex a couple of minutes later.

I was lying on my side spooned behind Doris Alex, who nodded and kissed Melisa gently.

I marched Doris Alex, Nancy, Susan and Michael into the sorority house the next day. The sisters watched us curiously as I led my party to Alyssa's door. I did not bother knocking, just opened the door and motioned the Siblings inside.

"Anyone else?" I asked the gathered crowd.

There were curious glances past me, but for the most part they looked away. Sandra wove her way through the crowd and kissed me before entering the room.

"No listening at the door either," I teased the sisters with a smile before closing the door behind me.

Alyssa was lying on her bed looking from person to person. I moved to the foot of her bed and smiled at her.

"I apologize for making you wait so long for your reward," I told her. "There was a problem with one of the pieces, so I needed to send it out for adjustments."

Alyssa nodded slowly waiting for the rest. I waved a hand across the Siblings.

"Yours for a week," I told her. "Use them however you like."

"Jesus!" Michael exclaimed. "I've got to get on your good side. If you ever feel like rewarding me, I have some phone numbers you'll need."

As usual, everyone ignored him. Alyssa looked around the room and bit her lip softly. She dipped her head and hugged herself.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"No," she said with a sad little smile.

"Don't lie, Alyssa," Doris Alex said softly.

Alyssa nodded and looked at me.

"I wanted something different," she confessed.

I stared at her curious to see how she would complete the thought.

"I want to make you feel the way I feel, every time you touch me," she said kneeling on the bed.

She pulled her sweatshirt over her head and reached behind to undo her bra. Her eyes bored into me as her hands pushed the sweatpants down her thighs. Hands stripped me as Alyssa approached; I had given her pleasure many times, but never let her do the same to me. She kissed me and pulled me onto the bed. I was guided until I lay down with my head on her pillow and my legs spread. She knelt between my legs and stared at my dick.

Her touch was slow and gentle as she stroked the reward she wanted. She leaned down and kissed my testicles. Her mouth was inexperienced but willing with no insecurity or inhibition as her tongue played along my glans. She savored every taste finally getting what she had wanted for months. Her touch investigated every inch of my maleness until she felt the need rise up in me. Her hands grabbed mine and squeezed as she took me as deep as she could into her mouth. She sucked hard as I came and her hands did not let mine go as she licked me clean.

Alyssa knelt and stared at me. Doris Alex's hand moved between Alyssa's thighs. Alysa screamed as the redhead's manipulation bathed her in satisfaction.

"I guess you don't want them," I said after I finished dressing.

"I did not say that," Alyssa corrected quickly. "I wanted you in my mouth more."

"We're allowed to blow him?" Sandra asked Doris Alex.

"You're allowed to do anything you want, idiot," Michael answered for the redhead. "Actually, anything he wants."

"Nobody told me that!" Sandra said angrily. "I thought there was like some kind of rule, because Alyssa didn't do anything!"

"Alyssa was waiting for Rachel to move out of the way," Nancy told Sandra. "I was surprised you waited; I could understand no intercourse, but the rest was pointless. I don't mind taking care of David any time, but don't make us do your job again. If you raise it, you stroke it, suck it or fuck it down."

Sandra actually stomped her foot like a child having a fit.

"Does Emily know?" she asked scanning the room for an answer.

"She's very good with her hands," I answered. "She has this thing for spreading my cum all over her tummy; really cute in my opinion."

Sandra growled and kicked the door.

"You must have had to work very hard for your reward," Michael said to her thoughtfully. "You're not very bright."

I grabbed Sandra's arm as she went after him.

"So I can leave them here?" I asked Alyssa.

"I'll find something to do with them," she answered. "Michael, get undressed."

"God damn it!" he said harshly reaching for his belt. "Do you always have to recruit the demanding ones, Doris?"

I opened the door suddenly and stepped out of the room towing Sandra behind me.

"Ladies," I said causing a few blushes from the sisters surrounding the door.

"Stop!" I said loudly before they could flee. "Who's Luanne?"

A cute brunette with dark eyes raised her hand.

"Melisa tells me you have a big car?"

"The green monster!" one of the other sisters offered.

"Do you have good tastes in clothes and other female stuff?" I asked Luanne.

She shrugged looking around trying to figure out where I was heading.

"Sandra's going to need someone to offer a second opinion on her shopping spree," I told Luanne. "Not to mention, a large enough car to bring all that stuff back. I'll make it up to you if you tag along."

"Shopping spree!" Sandra said excitedly.

"Does shopping turn you on?" I asked her.

"Not really," she answered as I led her towards the end of the hallway.

"I'd like you to help me with a theory I have," I told her. "Personally, I don't think my credit card company really means 'no limit'."

She almost fainted when she saw the president of Michael's fraternity waiting for us with his SUV. I asked him along to make sure Sandra understood that I meant 'no limit'.

"What did Emily get?" she asked loudly when we got back.

The sisters froze, and turned towards where I sat on the bed. The room was overrun with bags and our designated carriers were still bringing them in.

"Paris for three weeks in the summer," I said peeking into a Victoria's Secret bag.

Visiting the store had not been in my original plan, but Luanne used the fact that I promised her a little something to support Sandra's position that a shopping spree was incomplete without new underwear. Luanne argued a little about me buying her anything, but caved after Sandra suggested a modeling show for me. I bought Luanne anything she tried on, which extended the life of the show as soon the girls figured out my shotgun method of deciding what I was buying them.

"I think Alyssa got cheated a little," Sandra said with frown.

"There's a lot of people that would sell their soul for Doris Alex to be at their beck and call for a week," I said leaning back. "Not to mention the others."

I did not fail to notice Luanne's head pop up and the look of interest that appeared in her eyes. Doris Alex and I were going to have a little talk about her sorority's pledge selection process. I was stumbling over too many Sibling possibilities for it to be a coincidence.

Surprisingly, all the Siblings I left with Alyssa walked into the house early the next morning. I figured they were back to clean up and change before meeting Alyssa somewhere.

"What happened?" Melisa asked unsurely.

Doris Alex shook her head and motioned towards my bedroom. Everyone except me joined them, after they were in there for fifteen minutes I decided to take a nap on the couch. I might as well have waved a green flag at the Siblings.

The problem started a few minutes after they came out of my bedroom. I heard them moving around the house doing their own things while I drowsed. They waited until after I fell asleep; the approach of the first Sibling woke me.

I felt a hand touch my chest. I sighed when the Sibling moved away and a couple of minutes later a new one gave me the same caress. I gave some thought to moving into the bedroom, but past experience taught me that would only make it worse.

"Can I get you something?" Melisa asked.

They had spread each touch a few minutes apart and it was the last Sibling's job to make sure I was willing to let them continue.

"No, thanks," I said keeping any impatience out of my voice.

I tried to make them stop once, but the apologies were worse than letting them forge ahead.

On the second pass, they stroked my chest and stomach through the t-shirt. The next pass was more of the same with a kiss at the end. After that, the kiss was extended while hands snuck underneath the t-shirt. They worked together to work the t-shirt up my body on the ensuing pass until it was easier to let Melisa help me out of it than to keep it around my neck.

I almost decided to call a halt but they gave me a long period of peace before they came at me again. Tongues traced the lines of my upper body and each gave me a quick kiss. They switched gears and some licked me while others only kissed me on the next pass.

At this point, I was horny enough to let them continue unabated. Another run of licking and kissing came and went. Things heated up when each stroked me with their fingertips through my thin shorts capping the next round.

I was considering which one I was going to fuck when on the next assault they each pulled my shorts down enough to kiss my dick hello. On the following wave, each sucked on the head of my dick for a few seconds and released me.

I opened my eyes and looked around the room. There had been no hesitation between Siblings on that pass since they were all sitting around the living room waiting their turn. They held their breath until I closed my eyes again.

They left my cock completely exposed the next time around as they started with a kiss, worked their lips down my upper body, and ended with a mouthful of dick. Like with the t-shirt, my shorts were worked down my legs during the next run until Melisa could take them off. On the following pass, my dick was given a thorough tongue bath.

The ensuing assault was composed of sucking my dick for a minute before passing it immediately to next Sibling. Someone was about to get a mouthful when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Stephanie yelled from upstairs.

I got a little impatient when after two minutes no one returned to giving my body attention. Opening my eyes, I sat up and looked around the room. Everyone was staring at the entrance of the living room with satisfied smiles.

I turned to see Alyssa standing in front of Stephanie.

"I'm here," Alyssa announced confidently.

"In his bedroom, honey," Stephanie said before turning to walk back up the stairs. "Beds are useful at times like this."

Alyssa nodded without looking at her and walked into my bedroom. She had on her usual outfit of a sweatshirt and loose sweatpants, but if she was wearing underwear it was too close to insubstantial to count.

I walked into my bedroom followed by every Sibling in the house. Alyssa put her hands on my desk, leaned down arching her ass towards me and smiled over her shoulder. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the Siblings climb onto my bed.

"I liked your present," Alyssa said turning around and leaning back on the desk. "They were all very good, but when I was done with them, I realized none of them were what I really wanted."

"What do you want, Alyssa?" I asked moving to stand inches from her.

She leaned forward and bumped my dick with her belly.

"I want you," she told me.

I grabbed her hands and pulled her away from the desk. I got behind her and pulled her body against mine. She melted against me as my dick lay in the natural valley between her ass cheeks.

Doris Alex got up from the bed and approached us.

"Welcome home," she said to Alyssa dipping her head so they could kiss.

Doris Alex reached down to the bottom of Alyssa's sweatshirt and took it off. I was right; Alyssa was not wearing anything underneath it. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her tighter against me. Doris Alex put her hands on both sides of Alyssa's face and kissed the girl deeply.

"You made our Brother wait too long, Alyssa," Doris Alex said when she broke the kiss.

"I wanted..." Alyssa tried to answer but shook her head and gave Doris Alex a quick, apologetic kiss.

"You made him wait because you wanted this your way, baby," Doris Alex whispered. "It doesn't work like that so you need to be punished."

"Yes," Alyssa whispered grinding her ass against me as Doris Alex kissed her neck.

"I've been bad, Alyssa," Doris Alex said. "I haven't made it up to David yet. Will you help me?"

"Anything, please just let this waiting end," Alyssa answered fervently.

"Thank you," Doris Alex said and reached a hand towards the bed.

Melisa stood up and came to us.

"I'm sorry, First," Doris Alex said with tears rolling down her face. "You waited years for David; I should have followed where you led."

"You were only doing what you thought was best," Melisa said.

"That isn't my right," Doris Alex said raising her head proudly.

"No, it's not," Melisa answered. "I'm warning you, Doris Alex, when I wear David's crest if you even think of something like that again, I will make you regret it."

Doris Alex nodded her head submissively.

"I recruited Alyssa to show that I could do a better job than you were doing with Rachel," Doris Alex confessed. "It's not my place to punish Alyssa for making David wait too long. Can you take care of it, First?"

Melisa nodded and Doris Alex got back on the bed.

"Welcome home," Melisa said to Alyssa.

The girls kissed and I felt Melisa's hand on Alyssa's sweatpants. She pushed them down, and kissed down Alyssa's body until she could help her out of her sneakers. Melisa pulled off Alyssa's sweatpants and stood up. She made a brief stop at each of the girl's nipples, sucking them into her mouth making Alyssa arch against me.

"I owe David, baby," Melisa whispered against Alyssa's ear. "I disappointed him in not bringing Rachel to him the way Doris Alex brought you."

"She could never have done this," Alyssa defended kissing Melisa hard.

"I know that now," Melisa answered. "But you still made David wait, even though you knew Rachel could never stand here like this."

"Yes," Alyssa admitted.

"You're going to make up for every time you should have been his pleasure and made him wait instead," Melisa said with a wicked smile. "For the next week, you will not leave this house except to go to the gym. You will not leave David's side if he is on the property. If his dick even begins to suggest hardness, I want you begging him to use your mouth, pussy and ass to relieve himself. Do you understand?"

Alyssa answered by pulling Melisa in for a long, grateful kiss. My First stepped back and smiled at me before walking back to the bed. Michael stood up and approached us.

"There's something wrong here," he said humorously.

He grabbed Alyssa's hips and pulled her forward.

"Brother, if you will," he said looking down at me over Alyssa's shoulders.

He reached down and spread her legs. I dipped my hips below her ass cheeks. Michael stepped towards me with Alyssa placing her pussy right above my dick. I touched her moist heat and she reached back to grab my thighs in reaction to that first touch.

"Much better," Michael said. "Welcome home, Alyssa."

Their kiss steamed as Alyssa's body wept moisture on the top of my dick. Michael broke the kiss and attacked the left side of her neck. Alyssa gasped when I went for the right side. Michael pulled back, gave Alyssa a wink and kissed his way down center of her body.

Michael strutted back to the bed when he was done and cocked his head in challenge to Susan and Nancy, who looked at each other and stood up in unison.

"Welcome home," they said together before latching onto one of Alyssa's nipple each.

I felt someone's hand pushing me against Alyssa's pussy while someone else moved Alyssa's hips back and forth, sawing her clit with the top of my dick. I reached around and palmed Alyssa's breasts. A face pushed between Alyssa's thighs, and a tongue pushed me aside to get at her clit.

"Please!" Alyssa screamed seconds later.

The two women grabbed her arms and pulled her to the bed. They slammed her down on her stomach; Alyssa fought her hips high enough to offer her body to me. I walked to stand behind her and put my hands on her sides.

A hand guided me to her entrance and held me steady.

"Please!" Alyssa begged.

I fucked into her hard; she wrestled her arms free from Susan and Nancy, grabbed the bed sheets, and pushed her hips back trying to fuck my cock through her.

She screamed as her pussy opened for me and then hugged me tightly. Wetness flooded my dick as she bit the bed sheet and cried out as the orgasm she had been waiting for months arrived. Her entire body tensed, she shivered, and then collapsed on the bed. I waited for movement but she was completely still. I pulled my hips back to retreat from her body.

"No!" every Sibling said.

"I think she fainted," I said.

"She did, David," Melisa confirmed. "But you can't stop."

"She fainted," I told her.

"You'll hurt her feelings if you don't finish," Nancy told me.

"She fainted," I repeated for everyone's benefit.

"Alyssa will be devastated if she wakes up, and finds out you didn't fuck her until you came, David. It's your first time with her," Doris Alex said knowingly. "I would want you to finish."

"I don't feel like being gentle," I warned.

"In that case, she'll probably wake up before you're done," Michael said playing with Alyssa's hair.

My dick pulsed inside of Alyssa as I shrugged. They were Siblings so they probably knew better when it came to one of their own. I grabbed Alyssa's hips as tight as I could, pulled back, and fucked into her powerfully.

"How do you faint twice during the same fucking?" Michael asked as the Siblings left the room ten minutes later.

"You faint on the first orgasm, the second one wakes you up, and the third one dropkicks you out of consciousness again," Nancy informed him.

"Yeah, but that hardly seems possible."

"You're good, Michael," Doris Alex told him loudly. "But you're not David."

"A week in your bed would be fun, sweetie," Susan said sitting down on the couch. "But a week in David's bed... I think I'm going have to find a way to piss Melisa off if that's her idea of punishment."

"Alyssa isn't going to walk right for a month after this week is over," Michael said laughing.

His laughter was drowned under a deluge of couch cushions.

A week later, I woke up when Alyssa climbed out of the bed. She did not return after a half-hour so I got up to investigate since I was horny. I used the bathroom and went looking for her.

"She's gone, David," Doris Alex said from the couch when I finished my search in the living room.

"Where?" I asked.

"They're flying her out to be indoctrinated," she told me.

"Oh!" I said. "How long will she be gone?"

"Six months for the indoctrination," she answered. "Then six months to two years for her Brother tour."

"Hmmm..." I said thoughtfully.

"She'll be back to finish school here, and is probably always going to want live near you, but she's not the type of Sibling that makes her life with us," Doris Alex said as I sat down.

Her eyes were on my hard dick. With Alyssa on erection duty, Doris Alex only had the one night with me after her return. She did not complain, but was eager to make up for the three weeks without.

"What type of Sibling is she?" I asked.

"She'll get married to an outsider, have a couple of cute, chubby babies," she told me. "Her husband will be a very happy man since his wife maintains her good looks religiously, and keeps him fucked silly. He'll be so happy that he will never think of questioning when she goes out two or three times a month with her girlfriends. A man doesn't rock the boat when his wife has uninhibited sorority sisters that like to visit on major holidays and slip into his bed for a threesome."

"A double life," I said.

"No, David," she said. "One life that gives Alyssa everything she needs."

"What was that 'welcome home' thing about?" I asked curiously.

"Alyssa likes you, but it's not about you deep inside for her," she told me. "She knows that no matter what happens from now on, she'll always have a home."

I nodded slowly.

"Did Sandra like her reward?" she asked me suddenly.

"She insisted I couldn't leave her room while she remained an anal virgin," I told her. "She wants to save vaginal intercourse for when she joins the 'dark side' as she calls it, but that was the only thing we didn't do."

"Good," she said. "Usually there's some sexual shyness, but these three were taking it to extreme. What about Luanne?"

"What about Luanne?" I asked repeating her question.

"We've been waiting for her to break up with her high school sweetheart," she informed me. "You should take it slow with her, but the three you have on the verge will be gone after the semester ends. I would hate to see Michael chasing down his own pussy."

She said the last with a smirk.

"Luanne looks fantastic in lingerie," I told her. "Great kisser, too."

Doris Alex stared at me for a minute before sighing.

"She wanted to say thank you for the stuff I bought her," I said with a shrug.

"Are you planning to double the Sibling numbers on your own?" she asked me seriously.

"There's thousands of you," I said dismissively.

"I don't know a sister that wouldn't mind a crack at you," she said with a shake of her head. "The new house is the subject of choice for conversation between any of us; meaning that if two sisters are talking they can't help but talk about you. Next year, you're going to have an entire pledge class of freshmen to work with. There's never been an entire sorority chapter of Siblings."

"You do use the sorority to screen candidates!" I said with a smile.

"Of course, David," she said. "It makes perfect camouflage. No pledge is going to ask why we want psychological profiles of them. Think about Alyssa's future husband; it's not that she's a member of a secret society, but a sister in a sorority that never lets go."

"I wonder if I can reserve a room in the new chapter house for myself," I said jokingly. "It would definitely make things easier."

"It's already been picked out," she told me.

I snapped my head around to stare at her; it did not seem like she was joking.

"You're all fucking crazy," I told her.

"Like you said, it would make things easier," she told me.

"Doris Alex, be reasonable," I said patiently. "You cannot honestly expect me to convert an entire chapter of sorority sisters."

"There's too many right now, you haven't hit your recruitment stride yet," she agreed. "But soon you'll be aided by the fact that Siblings will want to attend school here so there will plenty of pledges that come in as Siblings already. If you work on the rest, you could manage it in four years. I'm sure Jeremy will help!"

"No," I told her.

"You're a Bloodline Brother," she said in the hypnotic voice of a fanatic believer. "You have a certain reputation to uphold."

"Enough!" I said.

I ignored the pout; she had to be kidding after all.

"So what do we now?" I asked her.

I was not really sure what I was asking about though.

"You look... excited," she said with a tiny smile. "Lie down on the couch, and try to take a nap while we play my favorite game."

"It's a game!" I said with a quick laugh.

"Of course," she said smiling happily.

"What's the prize?" I asked.

"It depends," she answered. "Your semen, obviously, which is my favorite treat. The Sibling that catches the load is the clear winner and with that comes Rank. I'm pretty low on the totem pole so I'd appreciate you giving me an opportunity to work my way up. It's not always a clear victory though, if you decide to fuck any of us instead of letting us finish, then the Sibling you first fuck gets some Rank even if you don't finish inside them..."

"Stop!" I said lying down and putting my hands behind my head.

I really had to learn how to end a conversation as soon as any Sibling said 'Rank'; it always ended with me getting a headache.

The incredible thing was that I somehow managed a couple of minutes sleep.