Disclaimer/Warning: This work is not mine. Contacting the original author is impossible, but I like to think they would be okay with my posting it here for as many people to see as possible. This work is NOT complete and it will NEVER be complete. I'm sad too.

With that said, enjoy.

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The Siblings knew I preferred solid furniture so the table was heavy. The weight did not stop me from picking it up and tossing it through the concrete wall in the backyard.

"Jesus!" Kiera exclaimed as the Brothers backed away from me.

"Show me," I said to my Crests.

"Use my car, Iane," Anna said.

Iane nodded and turned to lead Doris Alex, Melisa, and me to the front of the house.

"Christ, that bastard is strong," Roderigo said behind me.

"Will make things interesting for you if his sister is excitable," Robert said humorously. "Her gifts aren't as developed, but..."

Samantha and Anna laughed freely.

Doris Alex held the back door of the car open for me. Iane got behind the wheel, and Melisa sat on Doris Alex's lap in the passenger seat. They started whispering as Iane pulled out of the parking spot. I stared out the window and remembered.

It was the first foster home that Jason and I had lived in together. The family kept the kids for three to six months, until more permanent situations could be found.

"She's scared, David," Jason answered my question as I approached the bathtub.

"Don't touch anything," he warned looking down at the bleeding girl.

Tiffany was a system kid like us. I put my hands behind my back having learned that Jason gave the best advice.

"Is that a reason to do this?" I asked turning to face him.

"Scared is a good reason to do a lot of things," he replied.

"What's she scared of?"

"The monsters," he whispered.

I nodded, and looked at the girl.

"Isn't she scared to die too?" I asked quietly.

"You can't understand," he said. "I don't think you know how to be afraid."


"Some things are less scary than others, David," he continued.

"I don't get it," I told him honestly.

"Would you rather beat up the bully boy, Jonathan, or a monster?" he asked gently.

I nodded again.

"We'll be leaving this house soon," Jason told me.


"The Johnsons are not going to be able to handle Tiffany's suicide," Jason said. "The social worker will say it's their fault too."

"That's stupid," I said. "It's the monsters' fault."

"I know," he said. "But did they ever ask what happened to you?"

I shook my head slowly.

"They won't admit that they fed us to the monsters, David," Jason said.

"Tiffany's gone, Jase," I told him.

"Let's go," he said extending his hand towards me.

"I'm going to kill all the monsters someday," I promised as he led me out of the bathroom.

"There's a lot of monsters," he replied.

"I don't care."

Jason was right though; too many monsters and too many people not willing to go looking in the dark.

"We're here," Iane said putting the car in park.

I opened the door and stepped outside. The neighborhood was dirtier than I expected.

"That one," Doris Alex said pointing to a two-story house.

Its cleanliness and the neat cut of the small lawn in the front yard made it stand out from the other houses. I followed the girls as they walked towards it. They waited at the front gate while I circled the house.

"Ready?" Iane asked when I walked back to them.

"For what?" I asked her.

"You're in enough trouble, Iane," Melisa warned.

"He's about to meet his mother for the first time!" the Ian Sibling said angrily.

Melisa stepped forward and slapped the taller Sibling.

"When I say heel, you heel!" Melisa hissed. "How this would be done was my decision."

Iane's eyes flashed as she rubbed her cheek but she, smartly, kept quiet. Doris Alex looked away to hide a smile.

"Let's go," Melisa said walking towards the door.

"Don't even think of laughing, bitch!" Iane whispered to Doris Alex as I walked past them.

"You're the one that had to try Rank-hopping with Melisa," Doris Alex said amused.

Iane growled dangerously.

"Feel free to keep trying though," Doris Alex told her. "I promise never to get bored of watching your teeth get kicked in."

Melisa rang the doorbell and stepped aside.

"I got it," the girl yelled behind her as she opened the door.

She stared at us with the curiosity of the exhausted.

"Can I help you?" she asked me.

The gasp from behind her pulled my eyes to the source of the sound.

"David..." the woman said putting a hand over her mouth.

Tears covered the brilliant blue eyes that were staring at me. I looked from one female to the other; they looked like before and after pictures.

I stepped into the house and walked into the living room on the left. The Siblings followed me inside.

"Excuse me!" the girl exclaimed. "Mom?!?"

"It's... it's..." the woman tried to speak but could not finish.

"It's okay," Iane comforted the girl.

I studied my surroundings before walking into the dining room.

"Mom?" the girl repeated. "Who are these people?"

"He looks just like his father," the woman said in stunned amazement.

"Do you know who his father was?" I heard Doris Alex say as I walked into the kitchen.

I took the stairs in pairs. The bedroom doors were open except for one.

"Yours?" I asked the girl.

She had followed in my wake as I explored her home.

"Who the fuck are you?" she asked.

I shrugged and opened the closed door.

"Hey!" she screamed stepping in front of me. "That's my room!"

"That's why I asked," I said staring past her.

I walked into the other bedrooms. The house was meticulously cared for with every thing in its proper place.

"Very clean," I said.

"My mom even cleaned that asshole's room yesterday," the girl spat from behind me.

"Your brother?" I asked unnecessarily.

She spun and ran down the stairs. I walked through every room on the second floor again before heading back downstairs.

The Siblings were sitting around the woman with the girl staring sulkily at them from a recliner. The woman's eyes moved to me as soon as I walked into the living room.

"Who are these people, mom?" the girl asked insistently.

"That's my..." the woman said only to be interrupted by Melisa.


"David is your brother, Katherine," Iane told the girl.

"I don't have a brother," she replied.

"No, you don't," I agreed with her.

"Do you know who David's father was?" Doris Alex asked the woman again.

"No," she replied wiping her brow. "I met him one night and I just... I had to..."

She looked at me with pleading eyes.

"It's the Bloodlines," Doris Alex told me nodding. "Blindfolded in a room full of men, most of us could tell you whose genes would be best to pass on."

"It's true!" the woman whispered staring at Doris Alex. "Everything my mother told me is true!"

"Stop that, mom!" the girl said angrily. "They're just a bunch of stupid fairy tales."

The Siblings reached behind their necks, undid their chains, pulled their crest rings off, and handed them to the woman. She looked down at them as if they were flawless diamonds flashing hypnotically in sunlight. Her tears fell on the rings freely.

"Mom?" the girl asked unsurely.

"Shush, honey," the woman whispered.

"Where are they?" Melisa asked suddenly.

"On a fishing trip," the woman answered pulling her eyes away from the rings. "They won't be back until Sunday night."

The Siblings visibly relaxed at her words.

"How did you find him?" the woman asked.

"You could say that David found us," Doris Alex said smiling gently. "Of course, it's impossible to miss that many Katherines in someone's genealogy."

The woman smiled shyly.

"He was the only boy I'd ever heard of our women bearing," she told Doris Alex. "My mother was so proud, if she hadn't died when she did..."

She broke down sobbing; Melisa pulled her into a tight hug.

"Why did you come?" the woman asked when she recovered.

"Katherine," Iane replied.

The three Siblings and the woman looked at the girl, who set herself to jump out of the chair.

"Why?" the woman asked but the fear in her voice expressed that she knew the answer.

"The animal," Iane replied.

The girl sat back and stared at the women in front of her.

"I've tried to protect her," the woman said softly. "I've even given him my body."

Iane stood up angrily and gave the coffee table a solid kick.

"Iane!" Melisa said strongly.

"NO!" Iane yelled. "You're not Bloodline, First! You can't understand! We belong to Brothers from the day we are born! Even Bloodline children who don't accept a white ring have their mates handpicked."

"Until we lost them, no one outside the Society had touched an Ekaterina for over a millennium," Doris Alex said looking at Melisa. "And Katherine has to throw herself at that pig to protect her daughter!"

"It's true," the girl said with hope in her voice.

"Let's go," I said walking towards the door.

"David, we can't leave her here!" Iane screamed at me.

Doris Alex had to drive.

"They won't get back until Sunday night," Melisa assured Iane when she would not stop protesting.

"Those women named every one of their daughters Katherine hoping that a Brother would come," Iane said leaning her head against the window.

"They must have gotten tired of waiting," Doris Alex said. "They gave birth to one of their own."

From the doorway, the girl watched the car pull away. She walked out into the street to keep us in sight as long as she could.

"Go upstairs," I instructed Melisa when we entered my house.

She nodded and walked up the steps. I entered the living room with the other two Siblings.

"Your punishment was to be available to me whenever I wanted," I told Doris Alex.

I turned around to see that she was already naked.

"Here?" she asked looking at the couch.

Iane walked behind me and put her hands around my waist.

"Let me help," she whispered.

"Fuck, Iane!" Doris Alex said as the room flooded with a feminine scent.

The redhead's eyes rolled back, and she had to lean against the couch for support. She shivered as if a cold wind licked her skin.

Iane's hands worked on my pants while her mind worked on her rival's arousal. Doris Alex stared at me with desperately hungry eyes when I stepped out of my pants and underwear.

I dragged Iane in front of me and pushed down until she knelt.

"No!" Doris Alex pleaded with me.

Iane grabbed my ass and impaled her mouth on my hard cock.

"Mine!" Doris Alex insisted moving towards us.

"Bend over the couch," I ordered her.

She froze and arched her back as the words struck her. Iane hummed, and Doris Alex closed her eyes. She moved to the arm of the couch and bent over it waiting for me to finish with the other Sibling.

Iane's tongue danced skillfully along my length. She hummed again and took me into her mouth. She sucked hard and dug her nails into my skin reacting to pleasure of having me inside her.

"No!" she cried when I stepped back and around her.

I slammed into Doris Alex, who screamed in orgasm.

"Push her hard!" I told Iane.

The blonde grabbed two handfuls of Doris Alex's hair and pulled up until she could kiss her. Doris Alex grabbed Iane's waist to drag her closer.

I pulled my hips back and fucked into Doris Alex with power, making her buck as Iane's gift worked on her from one end end while I worked on her from the other. Another stroke flooded Doris Alex with more pleasure, and her pussy clamped down on my dick forcing me to add more power to my movement. It was exactly what I needed.

I grabbed Doris Alex's ass cheeks and spread them. I powered in and out of her giving no thought to her, only to my need.

Doris Alex whimpered seconds later when my cock thickened. I pulled back and took her to depth one last time before I poured heat into her body.

Iane pushed me out of Doris Alex and took my cock in her mouth. Sucking the last drops of cum out of me did not seem to be enough for her though, when I stepped back she turned to Doris Alex and held the redhead in place to lick up everything she could.

I took off the rest of my clothes and walked into my bedroom. I was sitting on the papa-san when the girls walked in holding hands.

Iane had taken her clothes off. They posed at the door to let me study them.

"You should thank Iane," I told Doris Alex. "She made that easier on you."

"I would have done it anyway, Brother," she said raising her chin proudly.

"I know," I said.

She nodded and turned Iane towards the bed.

"I don't have your advantages," Doris Alex told Iane.

"An Alexander worshipping my body does a lot for me," Iane replied hotly.

"Worshipping?" Doris Alex asked dropping a kiss between Iane's breasts.

"Oh..." Iane gasped as the other Sibling used her tongue to circle a nipple. "That's what David said."

"David said to thank you," Doris Alex whispered moving up to kiss Iane's lips.

"An Alexander thanking an Ian for something," Iane whispered back. "He is everything we thought he would be."

"More," Doris Alex said breaking the deep kiss they shared. "Wait until you feel him inside your pussy!"

"Shut up and suck, bitch!" Iane said pushing Doris Alex down between her thighs.

Later, I was lying between the two sleeping Siblings when Melisa walked into my bedroom naked.

"Hi," she whispered climbing onto the bed.

I looked at her as she crawled over me.

"I wanted to tell you, David," she whispered against my lips.

Her hand reached down between us to guide my dick into contact with her body.

"Why didn't you?" I asked.

"I wasn't ready," she admitted. "I'm your First, but one Katherine is your sister and the other is your..."

She gasped when I grabbed her hips and pushed inside of her. It was rougher than I had ever been with Melisa, but she did not retreat. I turned us over so that she lay beneath me. I pulled back and took what I wanted against the dry protest of her body. She wrapped her arms around me when I rested my weight on top of her.

"She's nothing," I said looking into her green eyes.

Melisa nodded and squeezed me with her thighs. We stared at each other until her body adjusted to my invasion. She touched her teeth together and moved underneath me.

I pulled back, gliding along the smooth wetness of her body's acceptance. Her hands moved to the small of my back and she urged me back inside of her.

I sat in the papa-san staring out the window when they woke up the next morning. They adjusted their bodies on the bed so they could look at me.

"Tell me everything," I said.

Iane shook her head angrily and jumped off the bed.

"Iane," Melisa protested.

The Ian Sibling ignored her to get dressed. She stormed out of the room and slammed the front door. The first one must not have been to her satisfaction because she slammed it again.

"Ians are very emotional," Doris Alex said to me.

"Are they?" I asked curiously.

"No," she admitted with a shrug. "But Iane is."

"She's just concerned about Katherine," Melisa said. "What do you want to know, David?"

"I said everything," I reminded her.

They looked at each other.

"I didn't know about you until I was ten," Melisa told me. "I think I always knew that daddy planned for me to be yours."

"Did that make you mad?" I asked.

"Why would it?" she asked confused.

I shrugged and waved for them to continue.

"You were twelve when you came to our attention," Doris Alex started. "A Brother usually has to have Sibling parents to be noticed that young, but Jason might as well have been a spotlight on you."

"At that point, you were an idle curiosity," Melisa said. "There would be years before anybody could approach you."

"Billy told one of our psychologists everything that happened between Jason, you and him though," Doris Alex said. "The fact that Jason led in that almost guaranteed you a black ring, but it also made us more curious."

I smiled thinking of Billy and his father.

"I wonder where Billy is now," I said.

"A Sibling, just like Brittany," Doris Alex informed. "She would like to see you."

"I already said no, Doris Alex," Melisa said pointedly.

"She was Jason's first girlfriend... and David's," Doris Alex said defensively.

"No," Melisa said and turned to me. "We've been picking up Siblings behind you for a long time."

"Like your dancing partner," Doris Alex added. "She's made quite a few Brothers more nimble on their feet."

"Hmmm," I said nodding. "Obviously, this isn't enough. Start again, and don't leave anything out."

"David, I have a photographic memory," Doris Alex complained. "Do you know how much I've read about you?"

"No, he doesn't," Melisa said getting on her back. "But he will when you're done reciting it all."

I stared out the window letting Jason listen to Doris Alex.

The relationship between Brothers and Siblings is different things to different Brothers: master/slave, dominant/submissive, john/hooker, high caste/low caste, employer/servant, child/candy, etc. I settled into the view of us as Samurai and Geisha castes soon after I was given my crest.

Most Brothers come to see that duality as false. There are three castes: Brothers, Siblings, and Crested Siblings.

A Geisha who studies and carries the sword is not the same creature as her sisters; Iane made sure I would never forget it.