
A few days pass by without much happening. Life was still as boring as ever. Woke up, did my exercises, had breakfast. Then classes, lunch, nap, mining. After, dinner then sleep. I think its already been a week. Won't something exciting happen anytime soon? I'm honestly going to die of boredom at this point.

I just finished running and and entered my room. Jeremy looked like he just finished doing sit-ups. He stares at me for a sec.

"You seem bigger"

"I'm not getting fat, am I?" I say worriedly.

"Now.. just your frame.. seems bigger"

"Must be because all the stupid things that old man made me do"

"Which old man? And I don't think you can improve this much in just a week"

"No, nothing. Forget about it"

"Yeah.. whatever".

Huh. Is there really a such an obvious change? Must just be him. The classes went on as usual as well as lunch. After everything else, I went to the dojo for daily training.

"'Sup, master"

"Yeah, yeah whatever"

"Same as always?"

"Haha, of course".

Ayaka was already here, doing whatever it is she does. Good thing the old man told me the unlocking mechanism.

"You look bored. Must be because of the repetitive schedule"

"Yeah, I mean, who wouldn't get bored"

"Well, you know it's also part of your training, though as insignificant as it is"

"Yeah.. sure".

I'm used to this old man by now.

"Well, if you're that bored, want to try your luck against the mech today?".

The mech. My lifelong rival. Not lifelong but still hatred runs deep in our blood. My blood to be exact.

"Your offer sounds intriguing but I have to refuse. I still don't think I'm ready yet"

"Haha, understandable. At least your thought process is more mature now. By the way, don't forget to drink this" he says as he hands me a peculiar liquid.

Lately he's been telling me to drink it everyday before training. Something like boosting my progress. I didn't really pay it mind though. I head to the mine by myself, grab the pickaxe waiting by the entrance, and head inside.

I start mining for a bit. I've somewhat gotten used to this by now. Apparently, there is like a certain spot in the the rocks that when hit, breaks down much easier compared to just swinging around.I haven't completely mastered this yet, but it really helps me break them down easier and takes loads off my body.

After around two hours, the old dude suddenly calls me over through my eyePhone. He said to come to the dojo. I walk on over, pass the mech. I looked at it for a while. There it is, just sitting there. I resume heading back to the dojo. The old man tells me to just stand there. He carefully observes my muscles through the tight latex suit, while massaging them a bit.

"Very good! It seems like it was a success!"

"What was?"

"Haha, the training paired with my secret concoction of course!"

"You mean, the bitter thing you made me drink every day?"

"Yes, exactly. It boosts your metabolism as well as your body recovery rate, thus vastly increasing you training progress. Your muscles build and repair themselves up all in a matter of hours! Thus, the huge change on your body!" he says excitedly.

Oof! He jabs sharply on my abdomen.

"What was that for?!"

"Haha! It really does work! I thought you would faint like that time! Haha! Wonderful!" he says full of joy, practically leaping.

"Calm down, master. You'll get a heart attack. And I'll pay you back for that someday"

"Haha! Try if you can! And I don't do heart attacks. So don't worry"

"Yeah.. sure".

I doubt that. I swear he'll die of a heart attack one day.

"So, is that all you called me here for?"

"Haha, of course not! I want to congratulate you as your body is ready to start learning the basics of my martial arts!"

"Cool. So where do I start?"

"By doing 200 push-ups. Using only three fingers on each hand to prop yourself up" he says with a smile.

"Oh, and don't think about skipping it. You'll be doing it here, under my supervision".

I shouldn't really say anymore. Knowing this old dude, he might tell me to do more. Hahh.. I let out a deep sigh.

I bend down on my knees, place my index and middle fingers as well as my thumbs on the floor and prop myself up into a push-up position. I start doing a few. Man, this is harder than I thought. After about 20 non-stop, I take a short rest.

"Did I tell you you could stop?"

"Umm, no? Don't tell me you expect me to do 200 straight..."

"Haha, no. I'm just kidding. About the stopping part. Rest as long as you want. Just remember no dinner until you finish" he says with a cheeky grin.

"But how is this even basics for martial arts? This is just more exercises... Don't tell me Ayaka had to do this too?"

"Nope. She didn't. Less whining and more work. Shoo!" he waves me away, telling me to continue.

I keep on pushing myself while taking a break here and there. It was around 113th push-up that I heard a snore. I looked over and saw the old man sleeping. Well, he is old after all. I'll just let him rest while I 'continue'.

"Don't think that just because I'm asleep I don't know what you're doing".

What's wrong with this dude. Ughh.

"Fine" I roll my eyes.

"I saw you rolling your eyes"

"Just.. whatever" I say irritated.

"Haha. Irritated are we?"


I just continue quietly... There really is no way around this old man huh.

After successfully finishing all 200, I somehow managed to jump up full of energy, with a sense of accomplishment. That startles the old man awake.

"Finished are we? Good, good. I'm glad you feel happy and whatnot but if you're so full of energy I might have to give you some more" he chuckles happily.

"Never mind..."

"Haha! Don't worry. Yet. Just go and enjoy dinner with Ayaka, will you?"

"Oh, she left a while ago"

"Without greeting her master? I'm appalled" he says with a dramatic face

"Yeah.. um.. she said something about being done or something?"

"Oh, is that so? Doesn't change the fact I'm still heartbroken though..."

"There, there. Just cheer up, master"

"Hahahaha!!" he laughs gleefully while slapping my back like he held a grudge or something.

"Haha! Look at you! Caring for this old man!! And here I was, starting to believe ol' Mandel whether he really did still have his charms! Turns out, you're just a softy!" he snorts, wheezing his lungs out with laughter.

I feel like I've been played. Damn, that's four people for my assassination list.

"Now, now. Calm down. Grab dinner. Sleep"


I leave for the mess hall. Man, I'm hungry. And super tired having to deal with that old dude. Hah.. I sigh. Again. How many times is that already today?

I see Jeremy eating with Marie. They look happy at least. 'Rest is for the strong' huh. Is Marie actually strong though? I bet Ayaka is a monster but Marie? Nah, I don't want to think about it. I'll just classify her as a normal innocent girl. I don't want to always be surrounded by monsters. After picking up my food, I went on over to sit with them.

"Hello!" Marie greets me.

"You look.. different. Did you change your hairstyle?".

Clueless as ever I see.

"Nah. Maybe it's just your imagination"

"No, no. Something is definitely off. I just can't seem to put my finger on it..."

"It might really be nothing" Jeremy says.

We all continue eating.

Man, I'm beat. After having a full stomach, I head to the park. I decided to bathe in the cool night air while helping to digest the food. As I was walking about, I saw Axel. What is he doing here? He doesn't really seem like the type to enjoy the scenery... I sneakily hide behind a bush and closely observe him. He's heading towards the pond.

There's a girl sitting on the bench over there. He sits next to the girl and talks to her. I try to get a bit closer to eavesdrop on their conversation. If I don't get to learn these skills, then I'll just learn them by myself.

"-and this also benefits both our families. Think about it. Please" Axel says.

That's weird. He really isn't the type to ask people politely.

"As I said time and time again, no. And please don't bring our families in to this. Don't you think it's rude? Me honestly telling you no while you can't even be honest with yourself?" she says.

Weird. She sounds somewhat familiar. Is it Marie? Nah, it can't be.

"Okay.. fine. Chantria, please. Just consider this proposal. Okay, I'll be honest. It's not entirely because of our families. My personal feelings also play a huge part in this".

Wait.. what? What is he talking about? What does that even mean? And what's this proposal?

"Hah.. Axel" she sighs.

"Thank you for being honest but I've kept telling you that unfortunately I have to reject"

"But, why? What is is about me? What do I not have?"

"Oh, please. Not everything is about you. Please consider what other people think as well. And, yes, you have everything. But you don't care. You don't consider. You don't, well, feel. It's hard to explain"

"Then tell me! I have all the time in the world for you! I'll change!".

Ugh, so cringe. What's with this messed up profession of love? And, Chantria, go girl! Teach this punk a lesson! Wait. Axel likes Chantria?! I thought he was too busy for girls?

"No, Axel please understand it's just-"

"Just what?!" he snaps.

Shoot. This ain't gonna be pretty.

"Huh?! Answer me! What more do you want?! You stuck-up b*tch! Just freaking accept it already! You already belong to me! What I want, I get!" he shouts while grabbing Chantria's wrist.

Shit. I think I need to step in. But, I don't want to be caught eavesdropping. Who knows what'll happen if I incur both of their wraths. As Axel tightly gripped Chantria's wrist, she struggles while reaching for something. She produces a pen from her suit and stabs Axel with it. He lets go of her while having spasms as if electricity was surging through his body. Well, that might probably be the case.

Axel then tries to calm himself down while grabbing the pen and pulling it out, his actions all jittery. He throws it aside and catches a few deep breaths.

"What the actual f*ck?! What was that for?!"

"Says the person who harassed me first" says Chantria while trying to keep herself calm.

"Well, objects shouldn't attack its owner! Who told you to keep rejecting me! This is what you deserve!" Axel rages.

Man. Shit. What the hell is actually happening right now? This is getting real heated real fast.

"How dare you! Don't think just because of your family history, it's achievements, that you can do as you please! How do you, a snobbish brat being born with a billion freaking silver spoons in your mouth even know the pain of your ancestors trying to get where they are?!"

"So, do you know then, honeybunches?!"


"Yeah! That's what I thought! You were born into the same position as me yet here you are, preaching as if you were heaven sent! Well guess what? Jokes on you! Cuz' I bet all your ancestors are burning in hell right now! And like it or not, you will join them. Believe me" he says menacingly.

He does sort of make a valid point.

Oops. I accidentally stepped on a branch as it snapped. They both turn my way.

"Who the f*ck's there?! You better not let me find you or else this won't be pretty. Trust me. Eavesdropping on a conversation like this means you just agreed to giving your life. I don't give a damn who you are, I will take your life, and f*cking enjoy it while I do".

What the heck's wrong with this psycho? Chantria makes a worried face as Axel approaches me. Shit.