Suzuki Ayaka

"Oh my god!! They're twins!" the midwife exclaims as she receives two cute little babies.

"Yes, we were expecting it" a stern man says solemnly but with a happy expression.

"I think we'll name them Jin and Ayaka" the mother says happily but with a weary expression.

She smiles softly as she slowly fades asleep...


"Young miss, wake up" a servant comes into my room.

"Yes, I already am".

My name is Suzuki Ayaka, a young girl born in the prominent Suzuki family. A family famous for its profession; assassination. I was trained the family arts and trade for all eleven years of my life. Every day, going through intense training, all to prove my worth.

I've seen lots of other children's daily lives on the television. I've studied countless lifestyles of normal humans. I know that what I have done all my life is inhumane and should not be practiced but I don't mind. I willingly accept the life given to me. Adults call me mature for my age, but I don't mind. What I do with my life is entirely up to me.

I've always worked harder than all of the other children in our village. We live deep in the mountains, distant from civilization, but still connected. My parents were never usually around. They were always busy with work. Well, it was expected of the legendary duo, 'Yin Yang Killers' anyway. I accepted the fact that my family would never always be around. I was practically raised by servants. Same goes to my twin brother, Jin. Unlike me, he was weak-willed. He couldn't possibly adapt to this lifestyle. He was always jealous of all the other children who lived happily with their family.

He was weak, and always refused training. I worked harder than ever to take care of him. It was my responsibility as the older one. I always coaxed him into doing the more simple training. I would also constantly receive lashings from our teachers on his behalf, begging them to not make him do extreme exercises. This is not the life of an eleven year old but I didn't care. I was content with this life. I felt.. happy.


We are turning twelve. Father and mother will not miss out on our birthday. That is, because there were a special ceremony for the descendants of the family head for when they turn twelve. It was more like a test, to see our capabilities in assassination. To discover our future possibilities. Jin is very nervous and scared. He does not want to disappoint them. I calm him down and talk him into giving his all. He always listens to me and feels calmer and safer around me.


Fifteen years old.

There was a huge upset as well as wondrous news three years ago. The great and hardworking Ayaka who always looked after her younger twin, Jin, had a shocking discovery. Yes, me. We found out that I had little to no talent for assassination. My only good trait was that I was hardworking and relentless. Meanwhile, the weaker, more scared younger twin, Jin, was discovered to have the great Ryu bloodline. A blood that hasn't emerged in the family for about a century. He had limitless potential while I, had little to none.

Life is truly unfair. I was the one who looked after him the most. I accepted my fate way sooner than others did. I worked my hardest to keep him safe. I was tortured, having scars all over, just to be stronger and protect him. Yet, fate is truly cruel.


Many more years have passed. Me and Jin grew more distant over the years. He was always praised by the family head, our father, as well as elders and other prominent families. I, however, was left in his shadow. I worked harder than anyone else. I worked and trained, until even my body gave out at one point yet, I was never acknowledged. I was constantly compared to my more successful twin. I was always blamed for my incompetence. I was blamed for my own self destruction...

Jin had grew to be much stronger. He has awakened a part of his bloodline, giving him an increase in his strength. He could work half as much, but receive twice the benefits. Truly befitting that of a legendary bloodline. He shone the brightest, compared to lots of others. He was constantly praised, adored, even worshipped. Though being timid when younger, he had none of that left. He had confidence, strength, but most of all, an overwhelming ego. To be honest, he kind of deserves it. No, in fact, it was impossible not to have it.

He became extremely cocky, ungrateful, even to his precious big sister, who took care of him all his time. It was all my fault. He never asked for me to look after him. He never even wanted to. He didn't even need me. In fact, I was apparently the reason why he didn't awaken his hidden potential sooner...

Why? Why must life be so cruel? The little brother I took such good care of now despises her crippled older sister. Do I even have any reason left to be in this world? Even my own family despises my weakness. Especially father, and all the elders.

Is it my fault for being born a girl? Mother was famous for being the only female assassin in the family. This is because she comes from another faction, where every woman had special talents that were nurtured. I never had any of that. I was born into a family for male assassins, expected to become strong as mother. What did they expect?

Men. This is all because of men. Only mother and the female servants ever partially understood me. Well, eventually I was forsaken. I guess my fate is to die young, crippled, and hated. My family won't even do anything to save me. I have truly been abandoned. I couldn't really say it was a good life. I can't even say I fulfilled much either.

I'm scared. I don't want to die... I cry helplessly. This is the first time in my life I've ever felt so, vulnerable. I always endured through all the harsh trainings. I always put on a strong face in the presence of pain. But this? I'm ashamed. How can I fall apart just before I die? I don't want to, I can't. Please, save me! Anybody! I don't want to die...


I wake up in a strange room. It feels awfully familiar, but not at same time. It looks very similar to my house back in the village but smaller. Strange. My body doesn't hurt as much as back then. In fact, it feels better. I feel, sort of, rejuvenated. An old man walks in. I instinctively get defensive. I still can't trust anyone. Not after what I went through. I don't want to go through all that again.

"Who are you? Why am I here? What did you do to me?" I ask.

"Now, now calm down. Haha, is that how you treat your savior?"

"You are no savior! Why did you kidnap me?!"

"Well, it's more like I saved you"

"Save me?"

"Well, you seem confused, so let me explain. I am the great Akihiko and I have swooped down, saving you from all of that torture!" he says proudly.


"Have you not heard of the great Akihiko?!"


Who is this crazy old man?

"Haha, acting so cold now, are we? I don't really think you can act like that to your savior, especially after begging to be saved"

"How, did you know?"

"Haha, I know lots about you, even more than your own parents"

"That doesn't really mean much"

"Oh, I know, but don't you think it's true, hmm, Aya-chan?"

"What?!" I ask full of confusion.

Only Jin used to call me that. And not even many people know about it.

"What did you say?!"

"Haha, seems like I hit a nerve, did I?" he says cheerfully.

"This is not a joke!"

"Oh, no, of course not. It's just so cute seeing you reaction"

"Shut up!!" I snap at him.

This crazy old man is so annoying.

"So who are you?!"

"Haha, calm down now. I would prefer if you could heal properly... Being too feisty might undo my handiwork, you know?"


"Well, I guess I must be really old if you have not even heard of the great Akihiko"


"So you don't think I'm old? Wonderful!"

"No, I mean, I haven't heard of you"


What's up with this narcissistic, crazy old man?

"So, why did you save me? I refuse to believe you did it out of goodwill"

"Haha, of course not. You're a sharp one. I did for the potential I saw in you"

"You make me laugh. What sort of potential do you even see in me? The same person who was deemed to have none. And how did you even take me away?"

"Haha, you do have zero potential. For your family arts that is. But, I highly believe you will surpass even Jin if you study under me. As for your family, they owe me a favor and were more than willing to give away a dying child like you to me"

"You think I can beat Jin? Even a child wouldn't dream of doing something so impossible"

"Haha, you are partially correct. You wouldn't even be able to do anything against him if you strictly trained under me, so to say. But! You will have a chance if you train under both of us"


"Well, he's not here right now but just now he is one of the most outstanding people I have ever met. And my standards are quite high"

"I still find it hard to believe you..."

"Haha, understandable. But how about you study under me first? It's still better than nothing"

"I still don't know if I can trust you"

"Haha, but you have to. You have no one else to rely on, no?"

"Yeah.. you're right about that. I'll just have to make do. I will become stronger and prove to everyone that I am no trash!"

"Haha, that's the spirit!"




"Where are we going?"

"Haha, that is a secret for now".

I woke up this morning to my master telling me to pack my things and follow him. Apparently we were going somewhere for my studies. We arrive at a huge facility.

"What is this place?"

"Haha, your parents never told you? This is the facility for training assassins run by The Order"

"I think I've heard of it before. I never imagined that it would be so huge. Not to mention I've never seen such modern looking buildings in the flesh"

"Ah, that's right. You were raised in traditional styled homes after all".

We enter inside and got registered. Before leaving me, master gave me advice.

"Now, I know you still have distrust in men, but you have slowly learn to hide your emotions. Now, it's not wrong to hate, but you must be under control. For example, try not to show too much emotion when talking. Use simple sentences. You will get used to it"

"Okay, understood master. Thank you for all your guidance up to now"

"Now, now. Don't be giving your farewells too soon. I'll be seeing you later"

"Wait. But-"

"Just go" master cuts me off and tells me to hurry up.

After unpacking at what not, we had orientation. I was honestly amazed at everything but I tried to hide my excitement. After that, we returned to our rooms to rest. My roommate was quite peculiar. She was a happy-go-lucky kind of person. She seemed way to cheerful that I even doubt she went to the right school in the first place.

"Hello! I'm Marie. Marie Chrisley"

"Yes, nice to meet you. I am Suzuki Ayaka"

"Hi! Wait, I think that name sounds familiar... Are you somehow related to Suzuki Jin?".

I clench my fist. I must calm down. I take a deep breath.

"Something wrong?"

"No, it's nothing. And yes, we are related. We are twins. Though we don't actually see each other anymore"

"Oh, what happened?"

"It's nothing. By the way, I don't really appreciate people digging into my past. It's quite a sensitive topic"

"Oh sorry. I didn't mean anything by that. I honestly didn't know" she says, sincerely apologetic.

She really does seem out of place. Oh well. Looks like my life here might be somewhat interesting.