Chapter 6

It was none other than. Garen. The king's stepbrother was the most trusted visor that the master's father had truly trusted for all along their dealerships and triumphs in the ages of the mistress's absence. Though he was just a tool for women with a figure and a huge sucker for all the beautiful women that made him so undignified as to be the sole heir to the throne. Did to his habits.

A tremendous sense of relief as they both let out a sigh in unison to their breathing. They both felt the same, and they were oblivious and still arrogant to one another. That the other is superior to the other. Both want the other to lose to be bested. It was a contest and Mistress was persistent on staying on the top she will never allow herself to hit rock bottom for a servant. She will not allow herself to fall back for a halfling like her a mixed breed. It is common sense that we know mixed-breeds are to be looked down upon since they are not as pure nor dignified in the same species. Well, at least in her country.

"Are you hiding something of value, perhaps? " Her step-uncle Garen asked in a sinister and manipulative voice he uses on his clientele and ladies in whom he took to bed to. It was one tactic that never seem to fail him not even once. But his powers were not at the peak since she is blocking them with the nullifying ability of her blood-red ruby eyes which glowed Scarlett like the red moon.

Or someone? " Garen peculiarly intrigues at her resistance that he might want to get on the good graces of his niece that he seems to have a semi-wounded relationship with.," It has been a millennium since those eyes looked at me.' Garen replied as he revived the idea of memories that weren't as fresh or important to even mention. I wasn't in the mood for fun and games and she wasn't having it. I am mad to the point of exploding to fiery fury like an ignited fire to a bunch of driftwood that have been a strike by lightning.

He flipped the clean sheets into the questionable bump. He was so disappointed. He saw nothing but the bed mattress that held nothing of sorts to be meddled with. He knew I was hiding something from him. " Resistance is futile." He replied which she started on his head on to his level. " I don't care. " I being a brave mistress snapped back maintaining my demeanor and respect as I held my voice and gaze steady ready to pounce on him. As to attack the enemy she knew his doings. And Garen doesn't play by one's rules but neither does she. He admires her will but to an extent of being related to him. Nothing else.

Nothing. What are you hiding from me? Garden thought to himself as he mentally talked to her. Silence. She didn't respond it was another game he was trying to let her guard down. But like a steel impenetrable fortress with chains and locked everywhere she kept her. Mind locked to the most. Especially to the likes of him never. To the likes of Garen. She made a mistake a long time ago and was not about to repeat them another time not his time. She was not that naïve anymore.

She has sense now. Even her name is now unknown because of the longevity or secrecy of the Vlad her father to never address her because of her training to become his only heir to the throne that only she may occupy and the power that she wields that can only be their fighting force. She was the weapon of their lineage that she has yet to master and unfold for herself. No one knows of it. But it has the potential to bring more power and glittering, gleaming gold to their heritage and conquer other reigning foreign nations against their will.

The necklace's ability shined brightly beneath her night wear. Its brilliance made it glow even more. Curiosity made Garen attracted to it. The necklace. She wasn't afraid of her step-uncle. The mistress knows better that it was not Garen that will have everything but her and his powers were less than hers. 'He cannot get what I have' she thought to herself as he glimmer of the emerald. Garden fitted on the bedside and scooped up the necklace cautiously. Faun was watching knowing that she would have the advantage to kill her right now. But her aura kept him on her knees it was frightening like Count Vlad.

Where did you get that? Garen asked his niece into which she slowly kept a straight face void of emotion " I bought it for myself. " She answered indecisively " why do you question? " She followed her answer with a question that was both bold and brave. And very gutsy move to even try.

It's a present that I bought from an aged vendor. Envious? She mentally snapped at him she was waiting for him to snatch it like a robber. Into which she assumed him to be since they weren't family but half they share blood but not wholly. She despises that fact and she didn't like it at all.

"Cheeky kid. I was only asking if someone gifted it to you or not? What is the fuss about, child, " Garen renowned his wording that may seem off-put that he wasn't asking for a fight but he was just? Asking. He meant no harm he had wealth all the same. But Garen wouldn't lie if he said that he didn't want everything for himself. It was a paradise to get everything that she gave her the upper hand and battling against a child is child's play to him. But he might run into a child if he keeps mindlessly fighting for it. He was the right hand of Count Vlad not her. And he too looks down on her.