Chapter 11

Washington, D.C.

Grant and Cole looked at each other and smiled. They had everyone in assembly eating out of the palm of their hands. It helped that Berlin and Cologne, the Manchestor brothers, were in attendance. Well, they were more than in attendance. They were standing beside them in front of the camera.

Aiden and Mikey had been very specific when they were given this assignment. They were not to tell their powers until someone asked them to do so or the crowd became unruly. It's not like they were going to go on a killing spree. That was the hunters' jobs. They were just there to make sure the world knew about them before the story of Klark broke to hysteria.

The cousins were the best ones for this job. Cole was the oldest of this side of the family. He was the one who could keep his cool when the time called for it. Plus he wasn't in an important position, unlike his brother Andy who was a JAG officer.

On the other side of the family, Grant was the best one to go with Cole. He was actually the best public speaker of the family. He could influence just about anyone he spoke to. It just depended on how strong a mind they had. The weaker the mind the easier it was for him to get in and do some serious damage. He didn't do it often but when he did it could be dangerous to the person.

Cole and Grant shared a look and smirked to themselves. This was going to be very interesting. This was the first to step to getting their people out there. It was going to be hard but they could do it.

Grant was the one to break the news. And everyone went absolutely nuts. Questions fired up all over the place. The creators of the press conference tried to calm the people assembled but it was for naught. It wasn't until Berlin stepped up to the mike did everyone quiet down.

"If I remember correctly, the press went ballistic when the Moon Called came out to the world. You were out to interview us from the beginning and we have been happy to oblige. I stand before you now telling you these people are not your enemies," Berlin said regally.

A curly headed woman's hand shot up as soon as he was finished. "How can we be certain they're here for the good of the rest of us?"

Grant stepped up beside Berlin. He didn't shove him away because that would be suicide. Berlin stepped aside and Grant's thick German accent penetrated the silence.

"My cousin here is a member of the New Orleans Police Department. He's a chief at that. He was also in the army as a Green Beret. His younger brothers are a lawyer and a doctor. Both were in the military as well. If you think these men haven't helped you, you're sadly mistaken. They've ensured your freedom with none of their own," he said confidently.

More hands shot up in the air. Grant and Berlin looked at each other. Cole stepped up to the mic to answer the questions about why he decided to come out to the public. He laughed a couple of times because they made it seem like he was coming out as a gay man. Keldin would not think it was funny.

'Why don't you stop laughing and answer the damn question,' the younger man's voice echoed angrily in his head. Oh, yeah. He was watching this on television.

The cousins took turns answering the questions but one caught them both off guard.

"Would you consider showing us your power?" one reporter asked.

They looked at each other. Would Aiden and Mikey accept this? Grant couldn't do much damage but Cole could seriously hurt someone.

'I won't allow you to hurt anyone,' Aiden said calmly to her brother.

Cole took a deep breath, calmed by his sister's presence in his mind. He snapped his fingers and a flame flared to life. The crowd gasped in shock when he threw it out over them. He felt Aiden pulling the excess power from him, controlling the flame from three thousand miles away. Using his own control, he pulled the flame to him until it was circling around him.

"You're controlling it?" the curly haired reporter asked.

"I control it because I trained myself to control it. All our youth learn to control their powers. We don't attack humans out of spite. We defend ourselves to the utmost, even if it means we kill. We would not harm you, as you can see," he said as his flame dissipated.

The crowd turned to Grant. "What is your power?"

Grant was about to decline when his King broke in.

'Go ahead, Cousin. This is when you show what we are,' Mikey said calmly.

He couldn't say no to his King. Looking over the crowd's heads, he found a clear spot. One moment he was on the stage and the next he wasn't. This time there was stunned silence.

Until someone started yelling.

When the entire crowd turned towards the voice, Grant was standing by a tree watching everyone.


Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C.

Eric Blakemore threw his glass at the fireplace in a fit of rage. The fire consumed the alcohol and blazed brighter.

Clausen watched the television as they came out to the public. He could respect that even if he hated them.

"It's ingenious if you think about it," he said, allowing the respect to creep into his voice. "Coming out to the public before they're executed."

Eric turned on him. "Shut up! It blows our plan!"

The younger man shrugged. "So make a new plan. Let me call my sister and get her view on things." He pulled out his phone and headed towards the door. Thinking better about it, he turned around. "You might want to keep this in mind. When you go to war, you have to have a healthy respect of your opponent. If you don't, you'll get obliterated."

"What the hell are you saying?"

"I'm saying if these people are willing to let their presence in our world be known, they're willing to go the full mile to make sure no one kills them. They're coming after us, Eric. We have to be ready."

The Speaker of the House scoffed. "There is no way they can come after us. They don't have that kind of authority. It would be murder if they killed us."

"We killed one of theirs. They have jurisdiction. Just respect them or you will get killed."

Eric raged as the other man left his sight. There was no way he was going to respect abominations. This was not going to way he planned either. He looked around the room. Spotting his date book, an idea came to his mind. He grabbed it and started making plans.


New Orleans

Aiden and Mikey looked at each other, happy expressions on their faces. The first of their plan had gone off without a hitch. Now they just needed to implement the second part of the plan.

"Controlling Cole's fire was ingenious. None of us knew you could do that over long distances," Jess stated.

"He was concerned so I helped him," Aiden replied as she shifted from side to side in her chair.

"What's your next step?"

Mikey stood. "Call Klark and let him in."

Tyler laced his fingers together and braced them behind his head. "You're going to draw Clausen in aren't you?"

Aiden's smile mirrored her twin's. "He's the one we have to take out first. He's the most lethal. Eric defers to him for most of the killing. Without Clausen, he's going to have to figure out how to work the he has."

Jess made a face of approval. "Good plan, but you're missing one thing. What are you going to do about Elizabeth Parsons?"

"Elizabeth and her family have been sent away for the time being. We have blocked her assets so she won't be able to return when this story breaks," Mikey replied.

"You two have really thought this through," Tyler admonished with respect inflected in his voice. He'd always respected his friends but what they were doing drew more from him.

Aiden nodded. "We haven't had a choice. We have everyone in Congress on our side. They've been warned that within twenty-four hours we'll be hitting the Hill for Speaker Blakemore."

"That doesn't give us much time." He shrugged. "Just tell me what I need to be doing and I'll get it done." His smile fell when the twins looked each other and smiled. He suddenly understood. "I'm hacking the government security system aren't I?"

They nodded.

"Why him?" Jess asked. He was laughing despite knowing how serious all these was getting.

"He can get in and out of their systems without being detected," Mikey said.

Tyler stretched and stood. "Guess I'm doing the dirty work. Guys, don't leave the house. We don't want you to be found."

Aiden looked at her brother as their friend left the room. "Well, that's no fun."

Mikey shook his head. "It doesn't really matter. We can't be seen."

"I know. I just want this over and done with."

"Me too but we have to do as they ask because we are the ones in charge." He looked over at his brother. "Keep the kids safe, would you?"

Jess nodded. "Yeah. You two do what you got to do and I'll handle this. We need to get his dirt bag before he kills another one of us."

The twins nodded in agreement before going back to work on their second plan. First Klark needed to be notified.