Chapter 14

The holding area was a complete mess. The bars to the cells were dented and some were even pulled apart. The beds were ripped to shreds, scattered all over the floor. Metal bits from the beds and toilets were sticking out of the walls.

Through the whirlwind surrounding them, they looked. Aiden and Arin were fighting. Both were injured and bleeding from various spots on their body. The only ones to see Aiden fight were Keldin and Tyler. Cougar and Paycen looked at each other. This was something they had all wanted to see for as long as they could remember.

Paycen jumped from the tornado when he saw Emery and Mikey unconscious in a corner. It made sense why Aiden was fighting. The one who had been in charge of protecting her while she watched Arin had been collateral damage. Mikey had gone down with a fight if anything was to be said by the wounds on his body.

Arin looked overwhelmed. Fighting Aiden was something that none of them ever wanted to do. Aiden was one of the two most powerful people in their world. Fighting the Silver Queen was enough to get anyone killed. She was able to harness whatever power was being used and through it right back at the attacker. Plus her assassin training made her even more lethal.

Arin was flung back with a gust of wind. Tyler crossed his arms over his chest and watched. She had obviously taken his power which he was using and used it to toss Arin away from her. As she stalked him, they realized she was buzzing even more than they had ever buzzed. They wanted to help in the fight but they knew better. She would attack them with the power she was using.

Paycen used his power to heal Mikey first. Other than Clint, he was the only other person who could bring his sister back from the brink of insanity. He didn't want it to be like what happened with Tallyn. Granted they had been teenagers when Tallyn had lost his mind. Aiden wasn't a teenager. She was fully in control of her powers but that didn't mean she was immune to falling into despair. Between the two of them she was the most volatile.

Mikey's eyes fluttered open. They were gold, which meant he had gone down fighting. He was probably the one to destroy the cells with his telekinesis. He hadn't had time for to warp the mind of Arin. The fight had gotten too out of hand. Paycen figured he must have been smacked across the head with one of the metal bars. Only something that solid could have made such an indention on the back of the Golden King's skull.

"What happened?" he rasped as he came to.

"My guess is you were whacked upside the head," Paycen said. He leaned forward. "You need to get up. Aiden's losing her mind because of Arin. He either needs to be tamed or put down."

"I understand."

Paycen turned towards Emery. His best friend had also taken a blunt hit to the head. He had some stab wounds here and there. If he didn't heal him soon, he wouldn't make it. Anger gripped the Healer so strongly that he almost jumped up to rip the man's head off himself. Instead, he took Emery's face in his hands and healed him.

"Do you think you could really defeat me like this?" Arin asked. He was taunting the Queen now. He really shouldn't do that when she was his Queen as well. "You're the one who shouldn't be in charge. You shouldn't make decrees for all of us. It's not fair."

"It's not fair that you have to follow orders to keep everyone safe? It's not fair that you can't flex your powers? It's not fair that you have make sure you know what you're doing before you are able to work in places like this?" Aiden demanded.

"Yes! It's not fair that we can't make our own decisions!"

"You can make your own decisions! We have sat back and let everyone make their own decisions. The only time we force you to do anything is when you go around attacking people or killing innocent humans."

Paycen stood and crossed the room. "Deuce, bring him in."

The other Healer knew exactly what was going on. He stepped out of Tyler's protective wind and walked out the doors. He pushed through the officers that had crowded the area to watch the supernatural fight. Many of them had never seen something like this, and some of them were going to want to forget this. It was the way of things.

Landen dropped his bright light enough for his teammate to yank Jason out. He shoved him forward, making sure he didn't stray from the path. When he passed his friends, he kicked Jason's feet out from underneath him and forced him to his knees. He grabbed his hair to make sure he looked up. When Jason's eyes fell on Aiden, anger overtook him.

"You brought me here? To her?" he roared. He jerked to get up but Keldin tightened the bonds around his wrists. "I would rather you killed me now."

"That can be arranged but first you're going to talk," Deuce said. "You're going to tell everyone in this room what you told us in the tunnels. You're going to tell Arin why you wanted him to go after Aiden and Shawn." When Jason didn't say anything, he tossed him into the busted bars. "Tell them now!"

Jason flinched when Paycen took a step towards him. "I will never say anything."

The stronger Healer laughed. "Fine. We'll tell them. Jason is the son of Christopher Henderson, friend and drug buddy of Trip Masen. Aiden put him in jail sixteen years ago for aggravated rape of a child. He's got thirty to life with no parole. The sick part is Jason's just like his father."

Arin stopped and looked at his accomplice. "What are they talking about, Jason? What did you do?"

Tyler dropped his wind and raised an eyebrow at the Electrode. "He didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"The reason Jason was so gung-ho to help you get your hands on Shawn Martin was because he's just like his father. When his father couldn't satisfy himself with the little girl he wanted, he satisfied himself with his own son. Jason was the other child Christopher abused. So when he heard that you were going to go after a Golden child, he decided this was his chance. As you trained Shawn, he would do what he pleased," Paycen said. "Only he didn't know one thing."

The Healer took a step forward and made sure his face was right in Jason's. "The little girl you wanted? She's my daughter."

Jason's eyes widened. "What? No! No, that's not possible. Annabelle's husband was killed by my own hand's four years ago. I did it for this very moment."

Keldin tightened the bonds once again as his anger got the best of him. "You killed that little girl's father and the woman's husband so you could have your way with her?"


"That's a lie," Aiden said. Her eyes were opalescent as she watched everyone's emotions closely.

"How the hell do you know?"

"Because she's the Truth Hearer with Second Sight," Mikey said as he started circling him. "If she says you're lying, then you're lying. Now tell me honestly before I fish it out of your head. How many little kids have you abused since you became a police officer?"

Jason closed and set his mouth. There was no way he was going to say anymore. Mikey's eyes turned gold about the time Jason's mouth flew open. He let out a silent scream of pain. Mikey was rooting around in his head with such force that he could easily cause brain damage.

"The information is on his computer at home," the Golden King said. Someone said something behind him and there was a flurry of movement.

Mikey, eyes still glowing hotly, stepped to his friends. "You have lied about everything we have asked. You lied to your friend. All you wanted was someone to pay for your father going to jail. So you set up the entire thing. You told Logan's gang where Louis lived and watched from the shadows as he was killed. You told Arin about the tunnels and the people who worked in law enforcement. You wanted him to cause such a disturbance that no one would notice a six year old girl go missing. When he made his getaway, you would have him train the girl on how to use her powers while you trained her in other ways."

He stepped back as Aiden stepped forward. "I should kill you, but what good would that do? Your father would just be proud. You carried on the family history. All I can do now is send you where you belong. Those officers are going to find everything you have on your computers. You're going to be going away for a very long time. Captain."

The police captain walked in and yanked Jason to his feet. As everyone was watching this go down, a huge electrical surge enveloped the room. Aiden turned around just as Arin slammed a huge burst of electricity at her. She gritted her teeth and caught it, tapping into her own power to make it hers. Not worrying about the cops in the room, the Queen tossed the energy back at its owner. Arin laughed as he prepared to take it back.

His smile faded as his body started to convulse. His eyes widened momentarily then he looked down. He was standing in a puddle of water. He turned around to look at Emery. The Water Bearer had come out of his haze to see his Queen being attacked. He had done what instinct had demanded, broken the water pipes, and forced the water towards the other man.

Arin looked back at Aiden right before he dropped to the ground. Paycen ran over and felt around his neck. Shaking his head, he stood up and looked at the officers. This was going to be an interesting discussion. He had one thing on his mind though.

"Deuce, make sure you look everyone over. I have some place I need to be," he said.

His friend nodded. "All right. We'll see you at the house."

Paycen looked at Aiden. She nodded at him. Happy that he had the go ahead, he walked out of the room to find the other officers booking Logan's gang. He walked to the darkest spot, which was hard considering Landen had lit the whole place up, and disappeared.