As I start to make my way through the forest i need the ear iam hungry as I sit down and open the bag it's all werewolf food well I gotta eat I start to eat it and I wanna puke but I do it I wrap it all up get the kid and start moving again but the horse just falls it died how wait did I took a dying one well that's a problem
now i gotta walk and then lose half of my food damnit i get the kid and start moving then the kid smiles I ask him why are you smiling are you haply we lost a horse he say that he know a place around here where a lot horses are i let him lead the way and he indeed correct that boy finally came in use i get two horses one for me one for him i start to search the fields for some food and then i see a sheep i kill it and start to suck its blood up when iam finished i get back on the horse and start to make my way back to the forest
and i get off the horse and make my way