as i get some intel i find that one of outpost near the castle ill have to scout out the area before doing anything its made on a hill so we have the ability to attack form the top we jump in and all we see are soldier i have no problem in killing them I engage in combat with one of em but they seem much stronger then anyone these are the best of the best well now this is a good practice i take out my sword as the werewolf charge i dodge his attack and stab him in his back as he howled everyone was alerted i get ready and tell Aakesh to cover my back as see 5 coming near me i take out my throwing my knifes and then i start to throw it at them as they start laughing
and then one by one they start to explode as i turn my head i see Aakesh being attacked by two at once as i come to help him he kills both of em i think many of em died then the last on came he is a brute I tell Aakesh to rush form the back
as i block the first attack and then Aakesh attacked as the brute tried to get him of i stab the brute with three throwing knifes and then I told Aakesh to run and then it starts to blow and 1 out of a hundred done