Gladiator Pit

But after some time out of pure curiosity i follow the guard them staying behind me scared of my power not even touching me and then i enter the gladiator pit

as i see a monster enter the other side and two swords thrown at me as i proceed to dispose of that thing 3 brutes fully armored are sent i get ready getting ready to attack but then i get shot as i scream form agony i charge at the brute throwing them at the crowd as i proceed to take one of thiers weapon and throw it at the crowd brute and then i proceed to kill one more of them the last one forfeits i don't kill him he didn't chose this neither did i this not in name of war everything is not for justice in here as he lays his sword down many arrows drop at him killing him in pure anger i take his weapon and in revenge i lay waste to the archers as i drop thier corpses to the ground if you can call it that as they throw me back to into the prison cell i transform