The Assassination part1

As i break the cells wall and disappear as the sirens rang i take out one of the female guards and take his clothes and weapons as i also see the alpha there but this is not the right time too many people as i act like iam trying to help but just really iam just hiding the evidence after some time the patrol squad goes dark a distraction i killed most of them ill act like iam gonna doe some things you may call traitorous but its a part of the plan i asked my general to be assigned to the backup force and as iam doing this trolls they got past Aakesh it seems they sent a war fleet but got utterly destroyed nice job as we get called to backup an outpost under attack by undead hordes iam a bit rusty with my werewolf side but i keep up and as we reach i equip the metal claws and to get recognized i start to make the undead fall as slowly the undead retreated i have become a traitor and got recognized by my squad as the squads come to re occupy the outpost we are sent to attack an enemy out post