First of all we should weaken them then we will launch the main attack but for now we attack thier elites and weaken them we split the squad in three groups
Alpha Bravo Charlie
Alpha Squad has 25 elites same with charlie
But bravo has me and 10 elites
i transform to make them feel comfortable and i take out my sword i am rusty no longer we attack three heavily armed armories after we complete this task we attack an elite camp as me and my squad move i tell 6 of them to cover our flanks as the take out thier bows i tell the other 4 to shoot arrows through the door when i give the signal i open the door and throw some oil and bombs and give the signal and as explosions go off i tell the four of them to follow me as we move in i start take them out quietly not alerting them of my position and as we enter the vault i see a squadron of about ten i tell my squad to take four of em ill handle the rest i move in jumping over one cutting him in half and using my low powered special attacks to cripple them all and then i kill them all as the squad looks at me in horror i tell them to assist charlie squad ill regroup with alpha squad as i reach my location i see no casualties but they're pinned down As i Yell
and the elites fall as Alpha squad takes the armory we regroup outside of the elites camp no casualties till now i cant waste my energy on another army sweeper