Chase or Chased

as i see bright lights i know we're dead but i will not lose

Unknown Voice : if his soul wants to live then this vessel will come out un damaged

I think to myself who was that? and then the voice retreats saying in the desperate of times i will protect you.I was confused then the angle attack i dodged his attack punching him piercing his armour and i roundhouse kick him taking his weapon a scythe Nice.

as i finish the angle off i sew the Angle attacked Balance as i turn around i give the angle a death stare his solid white eyes are pierced by my death stare It stumbles backwards and before he knows it he is already death a glow forms around me a power i yet know nothing about be it curse or blessing I will use it to its full extent as the angles attack at once i start to fend them off but arrows rain upon them with thier backs turned they were killed and then Balance say they are here's Balance they are the defense forces they fight for us and they will kill anyone who is not a demon

i get worried but he says

Dont worry Iam a high ranking official

As his skin crumbles a bright glow is seen as he says he is with me as the army kneels he says follow me ill explain