(This Is form The Vampire Perspective)
Mentor will you help me? As a tear rolls down her eye The same with me and then she says
Yes I will help you if that "God" can make my enemy immortal he is gonna be in big trouble
as Aakesh says
His weapon forms into a scythe in front of my eyes
how long were you in l-lell for?
2days he replied
Wait you were only dead for some hours maybe
and then he says I sense an Angles presence
and then lights start to appear and then he duplicates his weapon and gives it to me i take it and get ready Aakesh is still in his bed wounded i move in and there i see them angles if you can call them that i kicked it out of the roof of the building as i jump towards it i slice it in half but my worries are not yet over 5 more have appeared Well we got a bounty on our head that is worthy of angles to come and kill us for it i rush in and i knock one out killing it Immediately and then i kill on of them behind but then iam hit iam sent flying but then Aakesh Catches
How i yell?