(This is form the vampires perspective)
As i take the troops with me Immediately like i said quick and swift we launch our attack in the night as we take our positions i transfer Aakesh to the medical base he is still knocked out he did exert himself pretty hard in hell he couldn't die giving him near infinite stamina he didn't realize it he may even die as i give the signal the arrows are shot and the cavalry is sent as the troll are attacked form the air and ground i strat to throw oil everywhere as we return the first volley of fire arrows are shot the empty black sky is litten up as the trolls see the death coming and then the oil is lit burning the place to a crisp there are no rules of war not in this time anyways as we start to loot the place we see that this place was filled with traps but the arrows sent them off thankfully if they hadn't we would all be dead.As i say We sleep for the night i will stay up and will alert if any enemies attack as they all set thier tents up and they go to sleep a few troops come to help me saying you cant see everywhere i start to smile. as we stand guard the night turns to day and we set of to another attack