As I meet up with Aakesh and we make our way to the next portal is one of the lost land of phoenix if has been divided into two lands the land of exiled and the land of united the land of exiled is filled with prisoners and murders its filled with criminals with gangs controlling the land and they don't like by passers so we reach the portal and we get through the checkup they don't recommend going for no one ever has made it through no normal person
iam no normal person i say as i jump through this will be a long journey their is no map about this place and to jump through the portal is nearly impossible we are on the other side and its a thick mist the land burnt and enemies we get ready and as the criminals strike i dodged the first strike while Aakesh blocks it and then we counterattack killing them both but they alert their gang by thier tattoos they may be Bloody Hand not a cool name but we got bigger problems the gang leader and his squad comes i see a evil aura around him i dont know but he's more trouble then we can take we escape in the mist but they follow us