As i wake up in handcuffs they aren't able to take off my armour its like its binded to my soul as an eye appears in the middle and i hear something will you accept me and end this corruption master your sould binded with mine and our power shall be infinite together we shall bring justice
Slow down i whisper tell me your name
Iam an Angel's protector you can call me AP
Ap nice and then iam taken to an execution block
i whisper to Ap i accept you and in a split second the hand cuffs are broken and my scythe comes flying back killing everything in its path but before i can run the leader come and knocks me out and i wake up in a cell as the guard says your life is valuable to the leader but not us sadly we respect him i wish i could kill you as i say try he looks at me as he is about to open my cell another guard stops him saying he kill all of them even the executioner he will kill you.
This plan was a bust i hope mentor is coming to help me or iam death i think to myself