As i make my way back iam attacked it-it's blue fire i tell kur to get down its a phoenix damnit we're surrounded as i look around me its all of them the phoenix tels them to stay back ill take care of her
Got lost huh little girl as he tries to shoot fire but kur blocks it giving me the time to transform
As kur stop i make a dome as i take out my sword i rush in but before i can strike he flies up as i jump towards it i cut off a few feather and at that point he says thia is not fun and he does a sign as everyone starts to attack iam unable to block thier attacks
As i make a huge and thick dome around us as i tell Kur to fly as i get upon him we start to fly but the phoenix follows us close behind as the chase goes on i tell kur to land one of they ways to kill a phoenix
living with the werewolves has its advantages it is said that with enough iron even a phoenix is kill that's how the werewolves ended them lots and lots of iron