Bloody River

After all of them have safely made it to the base i hop and Kur and mid battle the dragon appears not alone but with two others why does this always happens to me Kur immediately lands but Kur is hit we hit the ground hard and Kur is knocked unconscious iam alone on this damnit why the hell do you want to kill me anyways


Iam hit iam sent flying at iam getting hit form multiple side and as the dragon is about to burn me to a crisp Kur sacrifices his life for me he is hit and falls to the ground i fall to my knees after such a long time i cry I've lost everyone iam alone in this world once again as the dragon looks at me he see's that iam weak taunting me your friend is dead because of you,your worthless.your just a weakling who can't save anyone and then he says your a disgrace and that ticked me off you say that again as he says your a disgrace from pure anger i transform reaching my

enraged mode as they call for backup ill kill you all!

every single one of you will die by my hands