The Gates of hell for one to reach heaven one must make the journey through hell and find the gate the fallen angles guard the gate the gate is different for everyone only the good will make it through or the ones that the gods allow but the gates of hell is harder to reach then many think one must die and go through the 7 rings of justice if you pass you will be lead to the gate and based on your scores you will face difficulties of the sins you did in your life may it be the family you ignored hated or the many you killed but there is one more way to reach the gates of hell and reach heaven by a fallen god and the council of fallen angles if you pass you will be able to enter the gates of hell you will face your many angles fallen angles demons and many more but the world of heaven and hell has changed due to the corruption of the evil gods even the trolls can't figure out the order many say hell is better then heaven after they were revived lets see what will happen