I go to the mission board
A-Rank Mission
This is a seven part mission there is faction of dragon they have killed many of our squads we want you to kill these seven dragons Three Ice Dragons Two Normal dragons And Two Orange Dragon
i accept the mission and i jump through the portal i have to lure them all one by one they attack in groups of two or three i got a plan i start to hide in a forest and the dragons arrive its the Normal Dragons only two while the other defend against one of them i attack the other one
Master's mode i jump on him but the other dragon comes to his aid and flings me off i have injured one of them phase one done i attack the uninjured one and i break his wings his screech of agony is heard for miles but at last he is quiet it fall while the other retreats i take out my sword i am not gonna let you get off the hook so easy as i look at the dead dragon flashes come to me I remember Kur and where's KJ I find him and