Limit breaker 500percent elemental power earth open
I say and i grab huge boulders and compress them into one single board and i ask Aakesh to strike it doesn't even break that's the beginner level i say you break this and ill let you go to our next mission The Elite Outpost and Aakesh squeaks in excitement and i throw the board in the air as Aakesh attacks it with fury nothing he Goes to his Armor of light and strikes once again and before he's about to use his armor of darkness
If you try that i wont wait to beat you up i say to him and he stumbles backward remembering what happened as i start to make another board while Aakesh Tries to break it and as i make a replica of the same board and i say look at the power gap now as i throw the second board in the air and i punch through it a bit tough but not for me and Aakesh looks in awe
after a few hours of training he breaks the board with a fury of attack congratulations now we got bigger fish to catch as we move out to our next destination