As all the resistance member including the cleansed all arrive and take positions in the elite outpost as KJ is protected by many i get ready and i leave for battle one of the many as i reach the castle and i look in awe not one not two but three FIFTH TIER OMEGAS damnit and there is a chance Aakesh might attack and as i go to battle
I need to preserve energy still and i attack the released omegas and i attack kicking one far away as the other two attacks i cut off the arm of one of them as i punch the other away as one of them attacks form behind i pierce his chest MASTER'S MODE i yell as i take out my sword and kill the beast as they both attack attack at the same time i am pushed on to defensive unable to find an opening till iam backed up to a corner and there i see it i kil one off them toss hid body aside as i rush out of the corner and i throw my sword at the last beast as i take out my sword there i see him Aakesh he looks more "Darker"