It had been some time after I killed that and then I feel it and As I feel something Mentors energy is fading I yell for balance to teleport me and he does so and I come to see a white orb I heard about it I instantly make a shield to defend but it's not enough and my spirit is started to be sucked back in but I hold off i can see the candle melting if that candle goes out my soul will vanish as I make a spear
SPEAR OF DARKNESS I yell as I throw it at the orb destroying it but then a huge explosion is released and I am hit but I shield mentor form the explosion and as I return severely wounded but Balance heals me as I say we need to unify The rings of hell only then we may....might kill the gods i say as more of the fanatics arrive as we stand in a pile of bodies the people who tried to capture Balance but the fell to a dark dark spear and as more of the fanatics attack the battle has just started lets do this