Home Destroyed (Vampire)

And as I jump through after giving a burial to Aakesh I see my homeland empty and destroyed....."You haven't seen our true power" one of them said that so this is what they were doing and as is see a village being attacked by Fairies not knowing who I am they attack me and without even transforming I kill them both and I ask where is the castle and as I get the cords I makes my way to the palace and as I destroy a camp on my way....a fire as I move in seeing there armies just like the day my mother died as I kill them all but in the like of dead bodies stood one wizard and as the royals escape LIMIT BREAKER 8000PERCENT and as I attack dodging his attacks barely and I land a kick to the face VOID and as he is hit he retreats okey then so be it ad I jump into the air FINAL FRONTIER and as I turn the forest into dust and I see that he has disappeared damnit well then as I meet up with the locals and they give me the rundown well we got a land of the undead situation I say to the king let me handle it