The True War Machines (Vampire)

And as I make my way to the next outpost I am intercepted I sensed a huge power form the fairy


So you are one of the war machines

Yeah I see that you dealt with the evil fairy and those poor replicas As I say except one he was pretty good as she says well then you may surrender

NEVER I say as I power up and so does she and as our aura clash we rush and as each hit makes shockwaves so how many of you are there

Twenty and I am the first so then FEAR MY POWER

as she punches me in the guts as I stumble backwards she powers up to her max as I look in awe in her power she says Amazing isn't it as she grabs two boulders and throw them at me but I cut them with ease and as she Yells

FINISHER MOVE EARTH STORM and as thousands upon thousands of rocks rain down upon me I start to get hi ENOUGH I yell out loud as I point my enchanted blade at the direction of the rocks


and as I am kind of send back form the recoil all the rocks turn to dust