Burned (Vampire)

And as I reach the outpost VOID breaking the barrier and with blinding fast speed I enter attacking with speed and power they could have never even thought of and as I move in milling most of them I see a wizard one with skill and he asks me to a duel and I let him attack me and his attacks do have some power as I let him attack me giving him a false sense of hope and as he attacks me tries to kill me thinking he can I power up a bit saying you can never see my true power and I move in kicking him up into the air and smashing his face into the ground and as I pick him up but the face saying I think your friend a would like to meet you as I throw him up into the air and face my palm at him and as I close my eyes VOID I yelled out loud as he was turned to nothing but dust well my mind feels very clear time to go and as i gather all my things and i get up and as i look at the beauty of the land as i say to myself this is all for you my old friend