Eight Stage One (Vampire)

And as I make my way to an outpost and to my horror I only see one an eight stage one and as I stand back well then I guess it has to come to this and as I look up into the air and I power up


And I rush in without warning VOID attacking the beast with fury and as he screams and tries to dodge my attacks I move fast attacking him and running away but then I get hit as I hit a tree I fall and as I look up its running at me and as I live out of the way and as the entire forest is destroyed by it's charge well then as I make a foot holding in the ground and I Start to power up and as slowly my aura powers up a ball appears in my hands and as it gets bigger slowly but surely as I say well then lets see how good I am at this

BALL OF DEATH, VOID and as I shoot a ball of death and shoots a beam behind it empowering it and as the beast absorb the attack how the hell