Final Flashback (Vampire)

And as a flashback hits me

I was with my family in our cabin in a forest and in front of the fire place I asked my mother what's your favourite colour mom as she says green I ask why as she says to me It was one of the toughest fights if my life but at that very moment I felt a gush of power and all my weaponry and armour started to glow dark green and so did my aura normally it was blue but cause of that I am alive.

And as I come back to reality I see the dragons


And as my aura combust engulfing all the enemies inside a green aura and as it finally quiets down my aura, weaponry and armour all glow green as I remember the words of the blacksmith

You will know when you have reached your peak my child and I finally know that I have reached my peak and as I power up and my eyes glow dark green I take out my blade the blue crystals on it were green so then this is my peak well then as I start to feel the true extend of my power I will not hold back