Three Down (Vampire)

And as he shoots a beam of pure energy at me hitting me but I am able to absorb the attack with relative ease and as he is enrage form my lack of interest in this fight and he takes advantage of that as he power up slowly and he reaches a state where he surpasses my power and then balance looks in disgust at him I don't understand but I attack he has the power advantage but I have skills and as I take out my daggers moving in slicing him and as he starts to scream and falls and as I go in for the killing blow he grabs my leg throwing me into the air and shoots a beam of energy form his mouth as I dodge it landing and as I walk up to him he is exhausted as I says Balance you wanna end this as he says It will be my greatest pleasure as he walks up to him saying Your kind disgust me and slices his head clean off okey time to move I say but before then I tell balance about every thing and he refuses to believe me to believe a mortal can reach that strength so i challenge him to a duel