And as dodge the initial attacks the spear throws and the rains of arrows HAIL STORM and as I start to slay all of them at least the angels they start to fall
MAGMA BEAM and as I shoot a beam of magma at them demolishing thier ranks and as they start to fall like flies but they keep on pouring form behind the hill
And as I start to power up And I take a deep breath
CHILLY BREEZE and I freeze them all in place BOMBARDMENT and as I start to move in breaking them with incredible speed they won't feel anything I say as I move in killing the last of them but as I looked below the hill....It felt like a tsunami of them...I felt fear by their numbers....I can do it
ant as I power up THUNDER STORM, HAIL STORM and as the sky grew cloudy thunder fell followed by hail sharper then a sword and soon their numbers bit the dust they fell like flies and as I slid down the hill and I engaged in combat attacking with speed they couldn't even comprehend and soon they were nothing but history and as the God came he stood above the piles of bodies as he says Iam the apprentice of one of the five why are you here and why are you killing servants of the Gods as I laugh saying you'll be the first God I'll slay in this realm