Evil To Good (Vampire)

And as I walk up to the unstable God and looking at him reminds me a bit about of myself and as I get ready

LIMIT BREAKER ULTIMATE and as he attacks me moving with incredible speed but my green aura and my power far succeeds him and as I starts to defend his attacks not counter attacking on purpose and soon he starts to grow more unstable and his arm only mutates even further and as he lands a solid punch he has give me no choice other then for me to defend myself and as I go in for a singular attack to his gut and it connects and as he stumbles backwards and fall and soon he has breakdowns he says

Go on kill me you don't know anything about my pain you have power while mine is taken away form me this thing lives inside my head blocking out my power and then I feel a shock as I say

I do know your pain that blocker I had that and the five in a way I am the five and as he says in confusion

I don't believe you the five are made of the Five elements the elements which were inherited by one of the legendary gods and as I laugh a bit as I say that blocker blocked my memories and my true power...If you turn to good ill show you my power and as he says in curiosity The Five have a exact same signature of chakra (Aura) if you can reassemble that then you may be the Legendary Goddess as I says Stand back


And as my aura combusts I say They are made of my power and I can't....be in this form for long Revert and as he says in shock...I.....I.believe you consider me your allie and he stands back up wearing his cloak and we make our way tot he next outpost