Full Power (Vampire)

And as she starts to power up One giant orb of water

circles around her and as she attacks she lands a fury of slashes and do some solid damage as I am sent back form the damage Balance arrives taking the finisher hit and as he falls something overtakes me those...three years I know that we..we had something between us and as I shed a tear I stand up I didn't notice but balance as breathing and I yell


and as my aura combusts I attack with a flurry of punches and kicks and as she falls I say to her

Suffer I have suffered but your time has only started

as I grab her throwing her into the air as she shoots a steam of water at me I make a wall of flame and magma blocking her attack and I shoot a beam of fire and magma at her and she is sent up into the air and as she falls to the ground I walk to the God I just saved as I isolate his arm of water and detach it and as she screams she finally goes maximum power as he eyes turn blue finally I grab Balance hiding him as I kiss him I say...I love you and Revert as I walk outside