Chapter 4 : Parliament

as Sgt. Harry Smith and Cpt. Thomas O'Spangerson continue to ride their caravan to a safe place, lets go to another place, where the story continues...

"Gary! Gary! Wake up already!, you have a meeting with the General Secretary of War today! Come on Gary!..."

"uuuhgh... Grace! what time is it?"

"it's already 8 o clock! come on! you have a meeting at 8:45 today!"

"AAAAHHHH! im going to be late! "

as I jump out of bed, and take a wash, I thought to myself, why would the General Secretary of War want to talk to me? the governor of Cape Colony? Oh! it's already 8:15 I've been dozing off too long! I guess I'll take breakfast with me, as I put on formal wear and head downstairs and grab my toast I kiss my wife goodbye as I head to parliament as the Representative of Cape Colony, as I head to the hall I meet with the General Secretary of War, as he comes in to discuss with me.

"Good morning Representative of Cape Colony, Gary Brunen"

"Good morning General Secretary of War, Mr Edward Stanhope, what did you want to discuss with me about?"

"well we have a problem in regards to south Africa, with the Boers remember?"

"yes, I do, and if I remember correctly, we also got a war with the Zulus too."

"yes, but this isn't regards to the Zulus, this is regards to this person right here"

as the general secretary hands me a picture of a man judging by his looks is 25 years old, I ask the general.

"is this the problem with south Africa sir? it's just one man, all of our soldiers can hunt him down instantly!"

"no Gary, that is not the case"

as he hands me another picture of a 30 year old man with a victorian cross. I answered.

"sir, I don't really understand this, if it's just 2 men, we would just kill the-"

"that is not the case Gary, these 2 men are the men who are causing the Boers a hard time, as seen by one of our espionage group, these 2 men have been causing the Boers, massive casualties, they already killed 2 squads of Boer Militia, and a traitor of the British army, the men at the camps said that the younger one is called Sgt. Harry Smith of the 66th Berkshire and the older officer is called Cpt. Thomas O'Spangerson of the 5th Northumberland Fuserliers. both men are interesting since the men at the camp we found said that Sgt. Harry Smith has the brain of Sherlock Holmes himself, able to deduce if a soldier is a traitor by looking at their faces, clothing state, and behavior, and able to develop a plan to eliminate the traitor while showing proof that the soldier in question is a traitor and a heart of steel to execute the traitor on the spot."

"that is certainly a good skill, he is a need for our British army"

"the only downside is that he doesn't want to fight in south Africa any more, so he wont come report himself in the military camps, of fears of being sent back with his superior officer."

"well pardon me, but is the superior officer important too? knowing you, you won't show me a picture without a reason."

"yes, indeed, as the superior officer is Cpt. Thomas O'Spangerson, he is the master of combat in every way, he is the best sharp shooter, a person able to destroy a fly from a mile away, and the best hand to hand combat officer who can even incapacitate even the best swordsmen, he has the secret style called storm style, which he can manipulate his weapons to resemble a type of storm, even the smallest toothpick can be a deadly weapon in his hands. we need both of them back before they die so I want you to send Cape Colony a message to make a deal with them, where they would come back to Great Britan, in exchange for their advice, we cant let them die or fall to the french, since the french have an interest in them as well, we need to get them back before they get them. If we can't get them back by reasoning, we need to get the back by force. got that?"

"yes sir!" I replied

as the meeting ended, I sent a telegram to Cape Colony and went back home, as I entered the house, my wife greeted me and gave me dinner, after that, we hat a chat with our cuppas, and we went to sleep, I wonder how those blokes are doing in the middle of Boer territory...

Achoo! damn... captain! where are we going! it feels pretty cold around here!

"don't worry, ye is fine, ye are going back to the camp, theres no safe place to go exept the camp, I'm sure the lads will give us a warm welcome."

as we rode back to camp we spot officers in blue uniforms, what is going to happen next?

To be Continued