Chapter 3

"Let me tell you the truth of this world." (Susan Von Helena)

Her expression was calm but serious. Nakimo drunk a bit of the alcohol before paying attention to her words.

"First, what do you think is the most valuable here in Atropine?"

Her question confused Nakimo.

[She didn't say Helena the kingdom but rather the whole human continent of Atropine.]



"Rare Metals."

"Not even close."




"Yes. It is my understanding that your world doesn't have magic, but you have an idea of what magic is and what its source was, am I correct?"

Anyone who has read a fantasy light novel, manga, or watched anime knows what magic is. In these fantasy worlds, one needs mana to use magic. That was basic knowledge.

Nakimo nodded to show his understanding.

"Unlike the three other contents of the demons, elves, and dwarfs mana no longer flows freely here. If you want mana, you have to either buy it from the temple or the crown of a kingdom."

[By crown, she must mean royalty.] (Hikimono Nakimo)

"Why is that?"

It was at this point that Susan began to tell the history of the world.

No one knows what sparked the flames of war between the races but once they did, endless rivers of blood flowed.

At that time, the most powerful of the four races, the humans conquered most of the united content.

They ruled with an iron fist and oppressed the other three races, or at least that was what the other races were told, but in reality, the human's kings and queens of that time only suppressed those who wished for the superiority of their races rather than the unification of all the races.

The humans, who were the only ones capable of interbreeding with the other three races wished for all races to join hands as one.

However, this type of history was never told on the other continents nor was it believed by the other races on the rarer occasion that they did hear it.

"You remember what happened at the inn in the Moorlands Kingdom?"

Before arriving in the Helena kingdom, they had once stopped at a border town in the Moorlands Kingdom.

What having an evening meal, Nakimo noticed what seemed to be an elf man harassing another elf waitress.

"A filthy half-blood dares give me attitude." The male elf screamed

"I am sorry but this isn't that type of establishment, please go somewhere else."

"You dare talk like that to me you filth."

Nakimo couldn't understand why everyone was not doing anything. When he stood up Susan spoke in a harsh voice.

"Sit down,"


"What are planning to do with your level and skills…"


"Look carefully, he is a trained adventure. You will just get yourself killed."

"But aren't I a hero?"

"Even more reason to stay out of it. Don't worry, they will sort it out in the end. That girl is playing hard to get…"

"But why would she…" As Nakimo looked back, he notices the male Elf whisper something to the half-elf girl. She nodded and his hand that had firmly held on to her glowed a golden color. Afterward, she proceeded to take him upstairs.

"What just happened?" he asked but Susan shrugged her shoulders and said, "I will explain later…"

"I remember…"

"Like I said earlier mana is the most valuable thing in Atropine. That golden light you saw was activation of the MP transfer skill. Everyone in this world has one."

Thinking back to when his and the other heroes' skills were on full display, Nakimo remembered the skill being present with one exception.

"Wait a minute, I don't have that skill."

"Yes you don't but there is a reason for that."

Susan began to continue her story.

Mana was the most valuable thing in Atropine and those who had it would often use it to get their way in society. The other races often came to Atropine and used their abundant mana as a means to bully the locals.

They often slept with women, using their mana as payment. This often resulted in the birth of mixed-race children like the elf girl. The continent was full of them.

Nakimo was paying close attention to every word Susan uttered. He wasn't much of a gamer but knew the importance of sulking as much information as possible to finish a fantasy quest.

After letting now of the current circumstance, Susan began to tell the history of the world.

The human kingdoms that were pushing for unification were strong enough to destroy the other races' armies with ease but they couldn't stop the attacks that were carried out by lone groups.

Magic explosions in the middle of the streets. Dead human bodies that had been skinned were thrown onto the streets.

These acts of terrorism struck fear in humans who in turn began their uncharacteristic act of aggression against the other races.

The situation became so bad that the goddess had to directly intervene.

They split the continent into 4 and created a fifth content in the middle where they would hold the goddess games and live.

The war and blood were replaced by a game held once every 6 months, and the prize for the winner of the game was mana.

So far Nakimo was impressed by the action of the goddess. They stopped the bloody war and replaced it with the game. The only thing that bothered him was, if humanity was the dominant force long ago, what happened it.

When he posed this question to Susan she gave a wry smile before simply saying, "We were betrayed"

"There it is…." Rania said with excitement, "I always like it when they get to this part."

"I must admit I am too wondering what type of face the human will make when he hears the story." (Selma)

"Maybe he will go, 'NO WAY' or 'OH SHIT' like the ones before."

"In any case, it will be an amusing sight to behold."

"What do you think Delphi?"


"You know ignoring this is not going to change anything right?"

"Let her be, more importantly, it is starting. Let's us watch and see how the human will react to the truth."