Chapter 6

As they entered the castle town Nakimo could feel the cold stares he got. No. They weren't just cold stares, there was also a killing aura mixed in.

Many of the citizens had lined up on the street when they heard that the hero of the goddess Delphi had finally arrived.

In most novels that Nakimo had read. A hero was greeted with cheers and flowers thrown at him, but all he saw in the hands of the citizens were stones and rotten fruit.

He was scared. His life was virtually on a knife's edge. The only reason they weren't throwing those things at him was probably because she walking along side him.

Susan, had promised to do everything to prevent his death, but even if she succeeded. What type of life could he expect to live?

"Don't make eye contact," Susan warned him. Her voice was the only comfort he had. Without clothing, he sat there exposed to the chilly wind.

He lowered his gaze to the floor of the cage. His heart rate never stopped beating fast. The only thing he could do at this point in time was trust that Susan would provide him with a miracle.

"Prepare a blanket for him to wear."

They had finally arrived inside the castle where Nakimo was to be presented to the royal court.

"My lady thats..."

"Do you plan to present a naked man to nobility?"

At those words, the knight couldn't object any longer.

"Sister?" Sofia timidly uttered beside her.

"There is no need to worry. You just need to say you brought the hero as your duty demands. I will handle the rest." She assured her before patting her on the head.

Nakimo admired the fantasy castle as they walked through the corridors. Despite his current predicament, he was still a little curious about the world he was in. Plus, the blanket Susan had secured for him made him have some hope that all would end well.

"Welcome back my daughters."

Sitting high on a throne was a man with a crown on his head. He looked like he was in his late forties. He had white hair and a white beard. Because he called Susan and Sofia daughters, Nakimo assumed he was the king.

To left and right of a red carpet that led to the throne were women who looked like nobles.

I see. So the kingdom of Helena is indeed a kingdom where women hold power.

Most of the people who lined up the street were women. The few men that were there were all behind.

Men in Helena were treated as second-class citizens. They could not inherit their parents or in this case mother's properties or hand down their own to a male heir but had to choose a daughter to inherit.

If you had to describe the kingdom. It would be the opposite of the most male-dominated kingdom one would know.

The only difference is that men still married multiple women. Not because they were popular or anything but rather because they were so few of them in the first place.

Some had fled the kingdom. Taking residence in neighboring kingdoms where their hatred for Helena grew. Others committed suicide and others simply didn't want anything to do with women in the first place. Choosing to spend the rest of their lives as bachelors.

However, no matter how female-dominated Helena was it was still a civil place. Most of the men who chose those fates were men who simply couldn't bring themselves to lower their heads to a woman.

The proof could be the peaceful life bachelor men as they are known, lived.

As long they follow the rules and watch their language, they are more or less left alone.

Of course, this had no bearing on Nakimo. The moment he received that goddess protection, his fate was sealed.

"I have brought the hero as my duty deemed, your majesty," Sofia said

Susan and her sister as well as Nakimo, who was behind them were now kneeling towards the king who was acting as a ruler while his wife was away.

This made Susan very uncomfortable.

She was constantly looking around but she could not find the person she was looking for.

"Something the matter Susan? Your eyes seem to be darting off in every direction."

Susan paused and thought for a bit. While she was royalty of the kingdom she was also the arc priest of the temple of the two goddesses.

She needs to decide how she will answer as it will determine what her position here was.

She had two choices. Answer as royalty of Helena or as an arc priest. No, in reality she only had one. As the temple could not so easily meddle in the affairs of foreign kingdoms.

"I am sorry father I was looking for Duchess Alexandra Wilcox."

Before the Queen left, she appointed Alexandra Wilcox as prime minister and left her in charge. Her father was meant to be nothing more than a figurehead.

"Hmm… I was informed that she had fallen ill and would not be able to full fill her duties so I appointed a new prime minister to replace her."

"What did you say!?" Susan shouted.

"Eeeep" her sister cried in fright. She really was timid

Nakimo couldn't also shake the feeling that things had taken a turn for the worse.

"Please calm yourself Susan Von Helena and remember where you are right now. You stand before the king of Helena and the royal court. Please act properly."

The person who just spoke was a handsome-looking man with blond hair, blue eyes, and a dashing smile. You could mistake him for prince charming.

"You… What are you doing here?"

"I am the new prime minister, as per the king's command."

When she heard this Susan glared at him before glaring at her father who turned his head. She also glared at the noblewomen on either side of her but they two turned their heads.

Never in the history of Helena had a man led the kingdom. The Queen or either the highest-ranked duchess would lead in her absence. This situation of a king and a male prime minister was unnatural.

"Now then, shall we begin the hero's trial?" he asked

"Yes… Let us proceed Prime Minister Randall Capricorn." The king said

"You there… hero of the accursed goddess Delphi. You know the reason why you are here?"

Nakimo didn't answer. Susan had told him to keep his mouth shut and rely on her to speak on his behalf, in the hopes of changing his predestined execution, but he couldn't help wonder: She seems to be on bad terms with this guy. Can she save my life? Maybe I should try and defend myself? But…

"He does. I Susan Von Helena have taken it upon myself to represent him."

There was chatter in the court after she has said that.

"You… What are you saying Susan?" the king asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"He does not know our laws and customs. It is only proper that he be represented by someone who does."

"And you volunteer yourself?" Randall asked

"As the one who summoned him, it is the least I can do."

"Sounds like you have taken a liking to this hero." He provoked

"Randall! Did you dare slander my daughter in my presence?"

"My apologies your majesty. I withdraw my remark."

"Hump… As long as you understand. Susan. I know you have a kind soul like your sister Sofia but this is not the place to show it. We all know here that the hero is to put to death to appease the people."

"I am sorry father but I cannot blindly follow that thinking. He has done nothing wrong himself. The only reason he stands before us is because he was summoned here by us. We simply cannot just have him executed because of our own circumstances."

"But the people demand it. As royalty and nobility, we have a duty to perform."

"Even if that duty requires us to dirty our hands with innocent blood?"

The king sighed when he heard this. Royalty and nobility would often dirty their hands if it would yield results. Her way of thinking was what most would consider unnatural for someone born in the royal household, but that the kind of thinking she was raised to believe in by her now a dead aunt.

Only the Queen who was close with her dead sister understood the beliefs of Susan and encouraged them. Only leaving her one warning: "Morals are nothing more than emotions if you luck the power to make them a reality."

Now that she was no longer crown princess, she indeed lucked any power to uphold her morals. Had Duchess Alexandra Wilcox been here, it may have been possible for the two of them to come up with a way to save Nakimo but she could no hope for that now.

Her father was the only one that could save his life but that seemed unlikely. First of all, his marriage to her mother was an arranged one and neither one liking the other.

They were in a constant battle for influence, with her mother coming out on top in every turn. Her father had been very docile in recent years.

Now that her mother was gone, this was his chance to gain more influence before she returned.

Pardoning Nakimo was not going to achieve that, if anything his standing would fall.

Sorry, Nakimo. I don't think I will be able to save you

Just as she thought that Randall spoke.

"Then why not make him a royal slave instead."

"Eh…" Nakimo said.


"A royal slave? Puhahaha… What a turn in events. Humans never stop to amaze me." (Rania)

"Indeed. To think after all this time there would be someone to stand up for one of Delphi's heroes. Is she aiming to be a saint or something?" (Selma)

"Who knows what that girl's deal is, but did you notice it?"

"You mean those two who are scheming. Of course, I saw it. Nothing escapes my eyes but I wonder if our saint will notice it before it's too late?"

"Who knows, there is also the possibility of her mother returning early and putting a stop to their plans."

"I doubt it. As one of the human representatives to the demon kingdom, I doubt she will be able to return quickly. The demon king seems to be giving them the runaround."

"Hey Delphi, why not send your dear devil a divine oracle to help the humans out."
