Chapter 13

"Get on your knees and beg me."

Those were the words Soshiro had spoken.

Helena was a female dominate kingdom that greatly frowned on actions that seemed demeaning to women.

If the doggy style, sex position was looked down on.

Even if he was a hero, his request was beyond rude.

"Soshiro-sama, what are you doing?"

"Eeee… Princess Emerald… I was just, teaching this bastard a lesson." He uttered while pointing at Nakimo.

"How naive do you think I am?"


"It seems you haven't learned your lesion hero-sama. Should I take this moment to remind you of your responsibilities?" she was smiling when she uttered those words, but she was far from being happy.

"No… not another lecture!"

"Come with me… Sorry, Susan… It looks like my hero's education is still lacking. I will go and see to it at once."

"There is no need to apologize Princess Emerald. This will be treated as a misunderstanding."

"Thank you for your understanding."

Soshiro was dragged of by princess Emerald. Nakimo was taken back to his cell, on Susan's orders.

"It won't be long now. Soon you will be free"

Those were the parting words she left Nakimo as she left him there.


It was a few days after the incident. With his 3 months of slavery over, Nakimo was to be set free as prearranged.

He was locked in a cage, much to the displeasure of Susan who was riding a carriage with her sister and Prime Minister Randall.

Why is he following along? My sister's curiosity about the dungeon we will pass on our way to the farmlands is understandable, because she doesn't want to be left with the heroes and the princess, but as prime minister, he shouldn't be in a position to leave the castle so easily.

"Is that it?" Sofia asked

"Yes… That is the dungeon of Helena.

Every human kingdom has a dungeon of its own. In the past, humans would explore these dungeons, in search of treasures. However, as the amount of mana dwindled and humanity's fighting power became weak. The stairs of every dungeon entrance were destroyed.

This prevented monsters from reaching the surface. Should a monster find its way out, the damage it could do to a local population is unimaginable. That was just how weak humanity had become.

Susan looked at the pitch black whole. She threw a stone but heard no sound of it hitting the ground.


"The dungeons are believed to be another dimension. That black black whole is the door way there. Long ago stairways stretched from the black whole and adventures would used them to get down."

"In other words, dungeons are like mini worlds, right?"

"That's right."

"Yippy… How smart am I?"

"Very smart. Now that you have seen it, we should continue on our…"

Just as she was speaking, she heard the sound of the cage opening.

"What are you doing?" she asked the guards.

"They are following my orders lady Susan."

"What is the meaning of this Randall?"

"The hero is to be thrown into the dungeon by royal decree."

"My father made no such decree!"

"It wasn't your father who made it."


Susan was surprised. She knew her mother couldn't have been the one to do it. That only left...

"Sorry sister. I made it."

"Why… Why would you do such a thing?"

"I am doing it for the sake of the royal family. Don't you realize the situation you put us in when you negotiated this deal with father?"

"What are you talking about Sofia? You don't understand anything. Withdraw you decree at once or I will tell mother what you did."

"Pfft… Pfft Hahahaha… I knew you would say something like that but still… pfft hahaha…. It still ticks me off." Sofia uttered before slapping Susan

"What do you think you are doing?" Susan shouted before attempting to slap Sofia, but Sofia kept her composure.

Three figures wearing black clothing grabbed Susan before pinning her to the ground.

"Hahaha… Looking good big sister… That's it… That is what I wanted to see. I know its early Randall, however, i cant wait any longer... "

"As you command."

"Now then, lets change our schedule a little."

"Sofia! Have you gone mad?" Susan cried

"You are the mad one here, not I."

"I don't know why you are doing this, but if you stop right now…"

"You still don't get it, do you? Then again, how could you? You have always thought yourself to be better than me, haven't you?"

"I have never looked on you Sofia."

"Lies… Just like aunt… Likely for you, I won't kill you as I killed her."

"What did you say?" Susan asked with a pale face.

"Shocking, isn't it? All this time you and mother overlooked me as some hopeless girl who could never rule anything… but I will show you… I will show everyone."

"We never did such a thing. We just wanted to protect you. IF WE EVER MADE YOU FEEL THAT WAY, THEN ISN'T IT YOUR FAULT FOR ACTING SO TIMID?"

"Shut up!..."

The two glared at each other. Sofia was breathing heavily as her frustration began to build.

"Bring him here." She ordered before Nakimo was dragged to her.

"Let him go Sofia. He has nothing to do with this."

"Humph… You are in no position to be asking for favors Susan." She uttered before turning to the lifeless doll that was Nakimo.

"Hero of the goddess Delphi. You know, a part of me feels a kinship with you. You did nothing wrong but because of someone else, you are treated like trash."

Nakimo uttered noting in response. He only stared at her, which made her feel uncomfortable and angry.

"Don't look at me you bastard." She cried before kicking the helpless Nakimo

"Leave him alone Sofia. He has done nothing to you."

"But he has. Ever since I met him, I have been reminded of my former self. Weak and Pathetic. It makes me sick…" she shouted before she continued her abuse of Nakimo

"Stop It!"

"You don't like me treating him like this?"


"Then beg me to stop."


"What is the matter? Will you beg me to stop or not?"

"Please... Sofia... Stop this…"

"As you wish…" She uttered before walking back to the carriage. Before the door was closed she choose this for her final words. "Throw him into the dungeon."

"NO!" Susan cried as she helplessly saw Nakimo being thrown into the black pit.

The last thing Nakimo saw was Susan crying out his name.


"That was epic." Goddess Rania shouted

"Indeed. I didn't expect the sister to show her true colors this early on. What a twist." Goddess Selma replied

"I know right. This must be part of her plans."

"What do you think Delphi?" Selma asked


"Come on Delphi… Say something."

"It can't be helped. She has just lost another one of her heroes."

"Hmm… Is he really dead? Perhaps we should check on his condition."

"No way… We might miss something at the other end. Even if he managed to survive the fall, with his useless stats, there is no way he will survive."

"Hmm… You have a point."

Delphi closed her eyes when her sisters came to that conclusion. She too felt that Nakimo was destined for death, just like those that came before him.

There was no undoing what had already been done and she simply said a silent apology.

"I am sorry, Hero Nakimo."

With that, Nakimo found himself alone. As his thoughts wondered on the hellish life he just went through. He came to one conclusion.

I will *** let it end ***** this.

I will ********* and ***********.

If anyone stands in my way. I will kill them!