
With the promise of meeting Alden again tomorrow at the same place, Melva and Vance decided to retreat for tonight, because there was no way they would be able to infiltrate the palace to find the suspects the King had been hiding there without providing proper evidence. They were carefully waiting by the entrance where they had come from until Vance could make sure that no one was around before they came out of the underground.

It was dawn when they emerged from the ground and saw the sun was beginning to rise. There was no one else on sight, therefore they decided to return to the tavern while they would not be seen by anyone. Melva hoped Rosetta would be alright because she could not see her anywhere within the forest on their way out.

"Do you trust Alden?" asked Vance suddenly when they were walking into the town, the sun gradually rising and giving light on their way. The town was still not awake yet, because the establishments were dark and no one was out of their houses.