Storage Room

Melva, Rosetta, and Alden hurriedly ran into the abandoned house to see what it was that Davis wanted to show them. The inside of the house looked just as messy as the outer part. But Melva immediately noticed that there was something odd and out of place about this house.

The floor creaked when they walked on it and the ceilings had holes on them. There was no doubt that the building was very old and long abandoned, but there were some spots that seemed like they were just recently cleaned. And there were a few things that looked like they were just brought in not too long ago.

"Look what I found!" yelled Davis excitedly from the far end of the house.

They stopped studying the current state of the house and hurried inside, following the source of the voice into the back of the house. Davis was standing inside what looked like a dark storage room. Whatever it was that Davis was trying to show them was barely visible to their ordinary eyes.