Finding Willowdale

"There is one big problem with the plan," commented Rosetta after it was settled that they would all follow Alden's plan. "It is brilliant and everything, like you said, Your Grace. But I cannot promise I will find it."

"How about the underground tunnels? Don't you have access to Willowdale?" Melva offered the idea.

Alden shook his head regretfully. "It is not possible. I heard the rumour that Willowdale is a floating island. It is not attached to the ground. And it moves around every once in a while. So it is quite impossible for us to reach through underground tunnels. I think they do not want anyone to come anywhere near their region. This is going to be tough."

"Oh, great. So it is a constantly moving island. How can we ever locate it? None of us can fly," pointed out Rosetta impatiently. Everyone was asking too much from her and she was pressured with their anticipation.

"Can't you cast a spell to make us float in midair?" asked Davis.